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Screwed up, requesting advice

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Enjoying the real world
You need to stop even joking about that, or we will soon have mandatory annual "Baaa means No" training immediately following the human trafficking power points.....


New Member
I would say listen to what people are telling you. But just to offer some other options:

If I were in your shoes and I really didn't stalk this girl (according to the legal definition) and I could prove it. I would be furious at the prosecutor. It appears that he is basically abusing his power in violation of the VI Amendment.

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

This may not be in line with your ultimate objective of getting into the Marines, but it may be a good idea to see a lawyer. Possibly sue the state. I would at least see what the legal options were. If the prosecutor is threatening you with prosecution, if you are justified, you should possibly threaten him with a lawsuit.

I know that you are absolutely banned from entering the Navy if you have a pending civil suite, which is why this may not be a viable option for you. But after you get done telling your OSO, I would definately see an attorney. It sounds as though you may already be screwed for the July 8th thing, and you would have to work out all the details.
You need to stop even joking about that, or we will soon have mandatory annual "Baaa means No" training immediately following the human trafficking power points.....

The Navy would see fit to make that its own presentation/course and place it on NKO. I would then have to take another damn course in addition to the 34 I have to take for Mob.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
If the prosecutor is threatening you with prosecution, if you are justified, you should possibly threaten him with a lawsuit.

You may be reading too much into this situation. In Virginia, these type warrants are issued after a visit to the Magistrate (hence the ease of the boy/girlfriend in getting it) and the Judge decides in court as to what will transpire with no prosecutor interaction. I agree legal counsel should be sought, but advising someone to sue a prosecutor? He wants to get to OCS, not be in a protracted legal snarl. He's been to court and only has to bide his time. Suing anyone doesn't remove the verdict of the judge. That's just counterfire.


retired but still flying
Agree -- after laying it all out for his OSO, his primary goal is for this to just go away, not get dragged out and piss off the DA.
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