Particularly if your JO tour was expeditionary, and especially if it was HSC EXP. I feel like I learned a lot of the things Brett is saying as an HS (now HSC CVW) dude, and the few friends I have in HSM CVW seem to have learned them also. I think HSC recognizes this disparity, and it is why they are trying to cross-pollinate at the DH level.
RW is awesome, but when you're expeditionary, you spend a lot of time deploying with a small group led by a single O-4, who may have no knowledge of or interest in advancement beyond DH. As a CVW guy, you can't get away from Mom and Dad, you sometimes sit next to CAG/DCAG in the wardroom, maybe meet the CVN CO/DESRON/CSG, and get exposure to shooters, TAOs, etc.
Whatever the differences are between TACAIR and RW, I often find the differences between EXP and CVW are greater.