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separation/attrition from SNA/SNFO/SWO pipelines


Registered User
Is the navy still permitting voluntary early separations for non-winged SNAs and SWOs? Last I heard voluntary separations were permitted in both communities b/c of overmanning. Does anyone know if these programs have been continued?


Hummer NFO
I will add caution to the wind. Just be careful what you do. They are starting to send some attrites/DOR's/whatever to fill Army dude's billets in the sandbox. It happened to a dude that I started flight school with, it can happen to you.


Well-Known Member
Very interesting....what did he end up doing in Iraq? Did he have to fulfill a full term of service or was it "go to Iraq for a year, then you're clear" type of thing?


As of a couple weeks ago, the Navy SNA attrites and DORs are still getting involuntarily seperated (Thats here in Corpus- not sure about other places). The SWOs I have talked to said the Navy isn't doing the voluntary release again this year that they know of.


Supply Officer
I doubt the policy of allowing people to DOR will change soon - aviation is voluntary.

As for going to the sand box ... the only people I heard about this happening to were USNA kids who DOR'd as soon as they showed up to API. And even among all of them - only know of three people who were sent somewhere. They all have a "spend a year, then try to redesignate or you can go home" deal. I'm not aware of anyone who actually gave it a shot then DOR'd getting any negative consequences. Of course - that is just what I know from personal experience and it could be different now.

People sent to random billets may fill a position previously occupied by army officers, but as far as I know there is still no forced transition from Navy to Army (there certainly wasn't when I went through) - you will stay a Navy officer. Blue to green (navy -> army) is voluntary and is offered when you get your IRAD (involuntary release) orders. Of course - the army promotes faster, so if you do get changed, you get O-2 pay faster ;)

Oh - and a buddy of mine DOR'd maybe three business weeks ago. He got redesignated SWO (at his request). Its all about timing - one day ____ community has openinings, the next day everyone is full...like gambling?


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Site Admin
It's not that they go Army, it's that they go fill IA billets that normally have to be filled by guys on their shore tour. As for guys getting a free ticket, I heard of two a few weeks back, which I mentioned in another thread.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
gatordev said:
It's not that they go Army, it's that they go fill IA billets that normally have to be filled by guys on their shore tour. As for guys getting a free ticket, I heard of two a few weeks back, which I mentioned in another thread.
Anyone know what the general sentiment is on those IA tours as far as their effect on your record for selection boards and what not? Those worth some brownie points?



Super Moderator
I hear that the Navy wants to have people with "the stink of war" on them. Even kind of use it like a pre-req for higher advancement. I think that is just them trying to polish the turd called IA.


Well-Known Member
gatordev said:
It's not that they go Army, it's that they go fill IA billets that normally have to be filled by guys on their shore tour.

Are they still yanking Navy IPs for IA billets? Or is it primarily a Marine thing? And if an active-duty IP is pulled to fill a billet, does he get six months added onto his instructor tour? Or does he complete his original orders, minus the 179 days he spent elsewhere?


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
HooverPilot said:
I hear that the Navy wants to have people with "the stink of war" on them. Even kind of use it like a pre-req for higher advancement. I think that is just them trying to polish the turd called IA.

I can hear it at the next promotion board..."promote this LT now he's done a tour in Iraq and really smells bad....that is, it's the the stink of war...I mean he showers, but...nevermind..."

Actually, (yes, the dreaded actually) I did hear that one year unaccompanied billets in Bahrain are being "highly encouraged" by some aviation detailers.


Registered User

So do people fail out of the Aviation pipleine on purpose to get out of the Navy if they dont like it? Seems like a waste of a billet seeing that people are being turned away from the very spot those guys swore an oath to. As is life I guess, though if this is the case it will be that much worse if I dont get picked up knowing that guys can just say screw it and be on their merry way back to camp couch.



Well-Known Member
Site Admin

Yes, it seems to be part of the equation now. I have an email train that looks pretty legit (it has my shore detailer's signature in the middle of the train) that says this is now required to move on up, except now the norm is 1.5 years (2 mo training, 179 "over there," and 3 months decompression training). So my question is if they still need guys to go to the boat AND you have to go to the desert AND you're supposed to be in your DH tour by 10 years, how does that math work again?


Yes, all IPs are still up to get pulled and sent over there. Don't know about what they do w/ guys' orders. I know they couldn't do anything for me, because my contract is up when my orders are, but for other guys with more time, they would probably work w/ them.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Schnugg said:
I can hear it at the next promotion board..."promote this LT now he's done a tour in Iraq and really smells bad....that is, it's the the stink of war...I mean he showers, but...nevermind..."

Actually, (yes, the dreaded actually) I did hear that one year unaccompanied billets in Bahrain are being "highly encouraged" by some aviation detailers.
I guess I'd rather do 12 months at NAVCENT doing something at least sort of related to my warfare specialty than 6 months in the green zone doing some menial administrative task for some Army guy. How has your tour been so far, Schnugg? I've been through NAVCENT, but never for more than a few days at a time.



Professional Javelin Catcher
gatordev said:

Yes, it seems to be part of the equation now. I have an email train that looks pretty legit (it has my shore detailer's signature in the middle of the train) that says this is now required to move on up, except now the norm is 1.5 years (2 mo training, 179 "over there," and 3 months decompression training). So my question is if they still need guys to go to the boat AND you have to go to the desert AND you're supposed to be in your DH tour by 10 years, how does that math work again?

I've seen that email (yep, it's making the rounds everywhere). Personally, I don't see how they can do it. There are regular jobs that still need to be filled in units stateside and at sea. What's more, they couldn't hope to roll everyone into one of the C5F or IZ jobs - there's not that many jobs. For our helo brethren, there is a fair amount of helo work being done , i.e. the Navy air ambulance guys, logistical hops, etc.; but say for some platforms, maybe not so much; and some jobs could really be done by anyone (aviator not required). My guess is that once they start drawing down numbers over there in this next year, a lot of the perceived pressure to "get people over there" will start to ease as well.