Whomever put that blog link up, may you experience great joy in the future. I saw my name up for SNA and SWO, not NFO (decided I don't think I could handle not being in charge anyway). This has been one awesome week, and that capped it off. Just the opportunity to have the application LOOKED at is a great feeling after beginning this process in January.
I work as a bartender in Alaska and when everyone asks me what I am doing there, I tell them about my application to be a Naval Pilot. Invariably, they are extremely supportive and grateful (not in yet!) for the choice. The regulars are constantly asking if I have word yet, and I have had to tell them so many times that it has been pushed back. It will be nice to finally have some good news.
It's incredible how nice people can be. Just yesterday, a couple gave me their email address and told me they have condos in Florida and would love to help me out if they can. It was totally unasked for and completely unexpected, but they offered anyway. I had known them for about 1 hour... Hope I have some great news next month.
I was even under the impression that September wouldn't be happening, so it's an even better feeling.
Truly am sorry for those who haven't seen their name or aren't in the September board. I wish everyone the best of luck. Stick to it!