I am non-prior, so please educate me where my knowledge lacks. With so many people calling up the ladder and such a delay with results, in a corporate setting at least a statement would be issued or something acknowledging the delay and maybe stating circumstances why, or a specific date given as to when results would be released. I completely understand I applied for Intel and many things are top secret, but wouldn't a simple, "Results will be released X date" be suffice enough to give them the time they need as well as coo the many applicants, COs, and ORs asking when the results will be released? Just my opinion...
I know it's a huge decision they are making and completely respect that. We are heading into week 4 after results are normally released and the 500+ applicants who applied lives are basically on hold until the results are released.
Don't mean to sound negative or a whiner, and I'm sure everyone has probably already had these thoughts, just trying to dig into their logic and see if there is something I am missing being a civilan currently.
Preaching to the choir my friend. I'm a civilian/non-prior too, FWIW (and submitted my package back in April).