But as a counter to that, when HCS-4 had their mishap in Iraq c2007~2008, Airlant actual was surprised to learn there were Navy helicopters on the ground there doing in country SOF stuff... which they'd been doing for a few years by then (the 2515th det in Kuwait, flying missions across the border into Iraq notwithstanding).If you would like other examples of "look at me doing stuff," take a look at the news media in the summer of 2005. Or January of 2010. The Navy was quite busy doing some cool things there and it's well documented.
We spend a lot on the bread and butter stuff (as we should) but we also seem to avoid the high end stuff. I mean institutionally we avoid it and instead we pay lip service to it by having regular line squadrons train a little bit on it, but with the implicit understanding that they're a few tiers down the list if the balloon ever goes up.
Ouch!But were navy folks wearing HGU-84s in those stories? Because Chuck doesn't want anything to do with stories about USN helos unless the crew has on HGU-56s and/or a seat pan survival rifle or is getting a valor award.