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Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
@KODAK, I had a few beers with some army .civ buddies who were both army pilots (one with the 160th). I mentioned your plan and they recommended you go to a National Guard unit rather than active and go WO…Why?…the army is short a lot of aviators and they plug you into a line company at Riley, Bragg, or Campbell and keep you there, especially as an officer. They feel that (for now) SOAR will not be the “hot thing” with the long war over. In the Guard you can pick your platform, live where you want, get your quals, and then apply to the regiment. Both said the army will greatly appreciate your instrument skills and over-water experience.


"Any time in this type?"
@KODAK, I had a few beers with some army .civ buddies who were both army pilots (one with the 160th). I mentioned your plan and they recommended you go to a National Guard unit rather than active and go WO…Why?…the army is short a lot of aviators and they plug you into a line company at Riley, Bragg, or Campbell and keep you there, especially as an officer. They feel that (for now) SOAR will not be the “hot thing” with the long war over. In the Guard you can pick your platform, live where you want, get your quals, and then apply to the regiment. Both said the army will greatly appreciate your instrument skills and over-water experience.

Interesting perspective, thank you!


Well-Known Member
What kind of OPTEMPO does the 160th have? Is is a “Det” construct or are there preposition assets every where SNAKEEATERCOM needs them. And, can you stay in the unit as long as you like? Any good book recommendations on SOAR specifically?

Thanks . . .


Standing by for the RIF !
+1 on Durant's book - he came and spoke at the Cincinnati Warbird Museum many years ago - it was a treat hearing his portrayal of the unit, tactics and equipment. They were clearly funded and empowered to "think different" (e.g DAP H-60). The book itself is a great read.


Standing by for the RIF !
The big cloud is becoming sentient, because this pic was one of the results for "Night Stalkers Helicopter" - lol. Fair points by all ??


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Meh, we lifted a phrase from a Cobra det for my last det patch. On my second deployment, we lifted a title from a well-known Disney franchise. Honestly, that was probably way more risky than putting "Night Stalker" on a patch.

None of that matters anyway. I've yet to meet an active SOAR guy that seemed to even want to acknowledge my existence when just trying to say hi (retirees have been plenty friendly). The crewman however have all been extreme professionals and willing to chat, be it Hawk or Chinook guys. I always thought it was kind of weird, but whatever. Girls don't like to talk to me, either.