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SoCal cops shoot unarmed airman

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Naval Aviator
What would solve a lot of this is an Autobahn, no cup holders or cell phones allowed, drafting encouraged, 160 mph top speed. That way we Navy officers wouldn't feel bad about breaking the law by 5 mph EVERY DAY and the high-speed chases would all involve shltty cars on local roads going 55.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
highlyrandom said:
pilot_man doesn't come across as having a hatred for any authority, just a healthy distaste for abuses ...

He thinks that most cops abuse their authority. That is unsupportable by any standard except for the most radical wacko. So if he doesn't hate authority figures in general can I just assert that he hates all legaal authority. Consider not just his opinion on police abuses, but his public pride in excessive speeding. (something I chose to keep discrete in my youth)


Naval Aviator
I'll concede you the first two sans angst. But this isn't public by any reasonable stretch, regardless of what government ferrets might be able to ferret out. Here's a great short essay on a totally different subject that nonetheless speaks to why some of us don't answer to logic on the subject of authority, though we may be decent people at the core.


One additional point. Military authority among officers is different from civil authority in one key area: I will eventually become a department head, but I will not eventually become a TSA screener. Ergo, one is easier to slander than another, much easier because you can save your empathy.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
highlyrandom said:
One additional point. Military authority among officers is different from civil authority in one key area: I will eventually become a department head, but I will not eventually become a TSA screener. Ergo, one is easier to slander than another, much easier because you can save your empathy.

Good point. I can understand that, though I tend not to slander anyone except idiots that post stupid sh!t on the internet;) .


Ex-Rhino driver
wink said:
He thinks that most cops abuse their authority.

Get over yourself. You won't form an opinion on a video you've seen with your eyes, but you'll make blanket statements about my beliefs and morals. Who do you think you are? And i didn't say i was driving. And also, the navy looks for people who break the law every once in a while to perform the jobs that take a pair of nuts to perform.


Naval Aviator
That's true, I am in the P-3 pipeline after all...and if my "drinking and posting on Airwarriors habit" would go away, I might even be a respectable laid-off VP guy in your eyes. One can only hope, eh? One thing's for sure, if I ever have a doubt, I won't ask about it in the real world. Aloha...


Naval Aviator
I was just kidding...anyway, I hope no one has been blacklisted by anyone else here based on one or two opinions, go have a drink, it's Friday. Out.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
pilot_man said:
Get over yourself. You won't form an opinion on a video you've seen with your eyes, but you'll make blanket statements about my beliefs and morals. Who do you think you are? And i didn't say i was driving. And also, the navy looks for people who break the law every once in a while to perform the jobs that take a pair of nuts to perform.
To make the judgement you expect about that video one would be effectively be accusing the cop of murder. Very serious, even for an internet discussion. On the other hand, any statment I make about your beliefs would only serve to insult you at the worst. Not nearly so serious an offense.

BTW, I'm sorry I didn't know you were so familier with our OCS selection profile. I must have missed you at the last CNRC conference. Maybe you can enlighten me and tell me just how serious a law needs to be broken before the Navy will accept you for an OCS program. Lots of guys here on AW trying to get into OCS would love to know the secret. Share it with us. But don't forget to send a memo to the board because I have seen dozens of guys non selected for legal transgressions.


pilot_man said:
) ...Get over yourself .....

Wink: "Get over yourself "??? That's what you said ???

I don't know who you are or who you think you are --- and I really don't care. But I suggest you owe Wink an appology --- post haste --- as I, for one, will not sit still for disrespect on this site directed toward someone senior .... you know --- someone who has "done something" .... i.e., Wink, in this instance.

Disagreements are one thing (and Wink can take care of himself) --- but public disrespect for "seniors" is a whole 'nother case.

And you have crossed the line .... comprende ???


Ex-Rhino driver
There is no disrespect. I come on here and voice my opinion. That opinion differs from some, good, that why our country is great. But, when my opinion is berated and not allowed just because someone used to outrank me is ridiculous.

2. There are many sworn LEO's out there who are idiots and should never have been issued a badge and gun.

Sound familiar. This is my point through all of this. If this is not a site where we are allowed to express our opinions, then let me know.

When it gets to the point where people put words in my mouth and attempt to judge my character, then I get upset. I am a good officer, and I don’t hate cops, I just don’t like situations like this and say there needs to be better controls.


pilot_man said:
There is no disrespect. .....2. There are many sworn LEO's out there who are idiots and should never have been issued a badge and gun.

Sound familiar. ....If this is not a site where we are allowed to express our opinions, then let me know.

....I am a good officer,....

No disrespect?? As in "Get over yourself" ... senior officer and AW member ??? ... (i.e., Wink)

Then you owe him an appology. You seem to be confused on this. You crossed the line into disrespect. Do I make myself clear?? Crystal ....???

re: "2." ... yeah, I recognize my own post .... so what??? You went across the line vis a viz ... "expressing (your) opinion". I should "Let you know "??? I think I just did in a PM. Suggestion: why don't you try walking into your CO's office tomorrow --- if he's there on Saturday ... and tell him to "get over" himself. Tell him you are just expressing your opinion. See what happens to your career .....

You say you are a "good officer" ?? You read my PM. I'd suggest you consider it ....


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
pilot_man said:
There are many sworn LEO's out there who are idiots
It would appear that the same could be said of certain alleged F-18 drivers. Just an opinion, of course.

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