TrunkMonkey said:
LOL. I fired off a response, and then realized that I didn't know you that well, and I didn't want to start a MIDN vs. OC war, which is apparently easy to do.

I don't see this thread as an OC vs. MIDN war. Is this really what you think?
TrunkMonkey said:
And hey, for the record, I am a nasty Midshipman, but I am about to finish my degree in 3.5 years, and for most of my college career, I worked 20-30 hours a week at some of the crappiest jobs ever (security guard, Pizza Hut) in order to pay for my rent/food. Getting home from work at 2300, just in time for three hours of studying and three hours of sleep before rolling out to motivating Naval science lab was a blast.
Alright, sweetie, first of all, let me state that I have never called a middie "nasty"--well, there was that one who never showered after PT--which in Arizona is an absolute necessity--SHE was nasty. Other than that, I hold no malice or contempt for any Midn's based on the fact alone that they are what they are. Ya dig?
Second of all, I commend you on your accomplishment of completing your degree in 3.5 years. Two questions, though: what is your major, and what is your point? Are you attempting to minimize the difficulties that many OC's are going through trying to get theirs in 3? If so, then I invite you to take a look at my degree plan and see how many 19 and 20 hour semesters I have. It's awesome that you are able to do this while working long hard hours, and very little sleep, but guess what--
that's college!!!!! Here's a challenge for you: try balancing 19 and 20 hour semesters of solid engineering classes with raising a 1 year old and a 3 year old, while keeping your marriage with your spouse intact, and maintaining a 3.9 GPA. Trust me, we don't want to have this "I worked harder than you" battle, becuase you just can't win.
TrunkMonkey said:
Must be nice to actually have a salary while trying to go to school and deal with whatever the batallion hands to you.
If my tone sounds a little harsh, this comment is why. Prior to this, I had NO opinion of you, other than your rather amusing previous post that you edited out. But after I read this, I immediately saw something in you that I have seen in a handfull of middies at my battalion--immaturity and a tinge of jealousy. Yes, it IS nice to recieve a salary for going to college while having my tuition and books paid for. But you know what?
I've been in over 12 years! I've paid my dues, and I busted my a$$ for the Navy for all of those 12 years. I didn't get STA-21 for just being your average Seaman Timmy or Petty Officer Lazybutt! I got it for a reason. You want to talk hard work and long working hours, you little prima donna? Try a 3x6 watch rotation every day for 7 straight weeks in the Main Machinery Room of an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf where it's 120F in the works space and 95F in berthing 24/7. Not enough for you? Try performing a complete overhaul on a Main Condensate pump on the same carrier, in the same Gulf, standing the same watch rotation, only this time, working 20 hour days 18 days in a row! This is not an "I'm so salty" rant, but the fact that you seem to be attempting to minimize what many OC's have gone through to get here, while at the same time implying that we have it easy just because we get a salary for going to school makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. And that, my arrogant little child, is, in your own words, "Just my point of view." :icon_rage