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Stimulus Bill


Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
Herc, I'm not going to try to get in a pissing contest with anyone whether there was an element of grandstanding to the Boehner clip on C-SPAN. There is a lot of histrionics/theatrics especially in the House, for sure. (I'm not sure the Senate is any more collegial anymore.) And yes, having grown up in DC, I realize that it's mainly staffers that read the fine print. But as far as a piece of legislation goes, it's pretty much indefensible... and I'm glad we can agree that the lack of transparency of what's in it is troubling.
Yep, it is disappointing.


Making Recruiting Great Again
I am so glad Rep Boehner is speaking out. I had no idea that our congressman did not read every single page of all the bills they vote on. Shocking, is all I can say.

Again, good for Rep Boehner. I am going to post a video of him railing against his fellow congressman for voting the USA PATRIOT ACT so quickly into law (passed Oct 26, 2001) without reading all 342 pages. I'll bet he was steamed!

Edit: Wait, I can't find that video on youTube, or anywhere on the internets. Mebbe someone can give me search tips on how to find it???:confused:

We talked about this in my Poli Sci class the past few weeks. You wouldn't believe the "Pork" involved in this bill. Here in Austin alone the bill called for a $1 million Golf course and another $100K Frisbee Golf course


Now of course i'm a big fan of frisbee golf, but that money could probably go to better things.


Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
We talked about this in my Poli Sci class the past few weeks. You wouldn't believe the "Pork" involved in this bill. Here in Austin alone the bill called for a $1 million Golf course and another $100K Frisbee Golf course

Now of course i'm a big fan of frisbee golf, but that money could probably go to better things.
Please find earmarks for either of these things in the House bill:

Or Senate bill (haven't found a good link, sorry).

You won't because they are not in there. In fact section 1609 of the Senate bill states:
None of the amounts appropriated or otherwise made
available by this Act may be used for any casino or other
gambling establishment, aquarium, zoo, golf course, swimming pool, stadium, community park, museum, theater, art center, and highway beautification project.
Originally, city mayors were invited to submit projects to be included in the bill that "reflected their unique local infrastructure needs, produced jobs for their residents, and contributed to future economic development."

Well, the frisbee golf course and golf course were submitted by Austin, but they were not approved.


Making Recruiting Great Again
Please find earmarks for either of these things in the House bill:

Or Senate bill (haven't found a good link, sorry).

You won't because they are not in there. In fact section 1609 of the Senate bill states:

Originally, city mayors were invited to submit projects to be included in the bill that "reflected their unique local infrastructure needs, produced jobs for their residents, and contributed to future economic development."

Well, the frisbee golf course and golf course were submitted by Austin, but they were not approved.

I guess they took it out then. Thank goodness.


New Member
I respect your optimism and all when it comes to health care, but if you have had to deal with any type of long term or dibilitating (controversial) medical treatments within the military, you would not want anymore government control.

"And having medical records on an electronic database is projected to save billions every year in duplicate records and ease of use, improve a physician's access to critical information, reduce the variabilty of care and a host of other things."
-The military went to electronic years ago, now you have to have a paper copy for the records department, online, and your own personal copy for when they lose everything. Also I want doctors to be able to think for themselves. The CDC, IDSA, and other medical agencies make reccomendations for doctors to follow. I don't want someone forcing them to follow certain procedures. Let us think for ourselves.

"I don't know. It will save money overall, get the medical records field to enter the modern era (good by triplicate!), and make it easier for my doc to see all of my medical history quickly. This almost seems like a (wait for it, wait for it)...
Good Idea!"
-I recieve care outside the military hospitals and update them on my medical situation. Any idea how much they care about my medical history? Zero. Why? Because I have a doctor treating me for a condition they don't believe I have (test positive, family history, and all the symptoms) and refuse to listen to any new school of thought that has not been reccomended by the Center for Disease Control and the Infectious Disease Society of America.

-Less government control is better, especially within the health care field.


Super Moderator
-The military went to electronic years ago, now you have to have a paper copy for the records department, online, and your own personal copy for when they lose everything.

Several parts of the military medical system have been transitioning to electronic medical records but it is not universal and not the primary method, paper is still used DoD-wide. The only government agency that has switched entirely to electronic medical records is the VA.

-I recieve care outside the military hospitals and update them on my medical situation. Any idea how much they care about my medical history? Zero. Why? Because I have a doctor treating me for a condition they don't believe I have (test positive, family history, and all the symptoms) and refuse to listen to any new school of thought that has not been recomended by the Center for Disease Control and the Infectious Disease Society of America.

-Less government control is better, especially within the health care field.

Then your doc is screwed up, not the system. Get a second opinion. And the Infectious Disease Society of America is not a government agency, it is private.