Huh, I thought sending LVL I Nuggets to the boat was something that they tried to avoid. Or was your case because your Squadron was "special?"
When I deployed for the first time there was no LVL-X requirement to deploy because the warfare quals were very new to HSC (which had only just become HSC. My orders from HTs said "welcome to HC-6!") so I could deploy 6wks after check in. 18 months later when I cruised as a HAC all of our nuggets had to be LVL-2 to deploy so all the nuggets were at the Squadron for ~6mo going through the SWTP machine.
I assume LVL I means fresh FRS graduate in the helo world...
So if a guy gets sent from the FRS to a squadron with an imminent deployment the guy simply stays behind?
Sorry if that question is retarded, but this is the stupid questions thread...