I'd like to see the real risk analysis on, "Well what if the HAC has a heart attack or gets shot on short final?" Something performed after 1973. The advantages of reducing crew are so great, that someone needs to actually figure out how likely it is, vice community "what ifs." 10 to the -6 or better? Go for it.
Is your point being that other people die if the pilot dies? That's true for most NFO platforms. The USAF is likely to proceed with SP ops in tankers on an experimental basis, as well.
I don't buy the workload argument, at all, having flown 46s and 22s. The next generation of AFCS and landing modes take away our excuses about hovering being so special.
I think the "what if the pilot is shot on short final" might be the last remaining argument. Given modern tactics and threats, I'm not sure it's as sound a rebuttal as it once was.