Do you guys use the flight director for the OEI miss? I fly the "Q-400" and it has gobs of power and a OEI missed approach is a non-event if you are already singled up...However, if you go missed AEI and loose it right as you are pushing the power up it can be REALLY sporty! We only have the autofeather on for T/O and initial climb and then it stays off the remainder of the flight. No one has adequately explained why that is the procedure, but there it is! Anyway, if you bag an engine under these conditions you have 5071shp on one side trying to roll you over...So, FULL rudder to kill the nose drift....BUT we have roll spoilers and small ailerons...So, have to be cautious with using too much aileron/roll spoiler input...Pitch for V2 attitude and call for memory items...
Not sure how it is in the Q-400, but in the Herc, the mission computer will autofeather certain engines and leave others windmilling depending on certain criteria. Engines 1 and 4 will feather anytime the FADECs detect autofeather criteria. Below 15,500 ft with all other engines running, 2 and 3 will autofeather after a 2 second delay. Above 15,500ft or with another engine shutdown, 2 and 3 will windmill.
Before I lose anyone, the reason behind this is to maintain everything run by the gear mounted accessory drive, most importantly hydraulics and generators. So if the Q-400 has hydraulics and generators run by the spinning props, then it would make sense to only have the autofeather function on during takeoff and initial climb when you could potentially have a V1 cut and have to minimize the most drag. For the rest of the flight, if you lost an engine, with all that power, you would have no issues cruising and descending single engine, plus you would keep your hydraulics and generators running w/ the windmilling prop.