Yea, in fairness I went through with khakis. The parka and liner cost something like $400 alone or some crazy amount. Then you need to buy four sets of smurf uniforms at like $160/each and pay $20/each in like tailoring/taping fees.
There's a reason I only have two of those things.
Only if the class wants to. The T-shirt is $20 ish. Hi-moms we were able to do for under $10/person at the O-club. Coins? Your first salute coins cost $2, one for your DI and one for your CPO. Anything more than that is just silly unless you're giving it to a family member/friend. It's going to seem like a big deal at the time, but most DIs/CPOs don't keep a vat of 100s of silver dollars in their house. I'm quite certain my DI/CPO wouldn't even recognize me if they saw me, let alone remember me if they knew my name. After all, being well-known at OCS is rarely a good thing.
For uniforms these days you have no option: 3 sets of NWUs (even if you are going aviation and will probably never need them), 2 sets of khakis, 1 set of whites, SDBs, choker whites, trench coat, parka, PT gear....the list goes on.
Some of this is class dependent, yes, but classes are all spending much more than that. And while "optional", you really do have to buy the class sweatshirt and t-shirt as it becomes your PT uniform for CandiO phase. Perhaps in the summer they don't buy sweatshirts. That would lower the cost significantly. Many people bought class apparel as gifts for family so that made the average class gear order a little north of $100. Most people bought 4 or 5 class challenge coins at $10 a pop as well. Our class DIs and CPOs told us not to buy the cheap silver dollars. We listened to them, foolishly or not. I know everyone in my class spent about $60-100 on silver dollars. We were also "asked" to buy USMC drill instructor swag. That was another $50
Hi-Moms definitely varies a little more by class but it came out to something like $80 a head for us....definitely not under $10. This isn't something you can really fight either. Since the decision is made by the class as a whole, you might not agree with the choice but you just have to go with it. Just be prepared to have to pay more than you want.
I spent about as much as I made at OCS, and I wasn't the only one.