For anyone about to go to OCS... be advised that overall fitness standards are increasing. During events like RLP, there are staff members going through hatches and just pulling people who they think aren't putting out enough (the last indoc class while I was there had 28 people fail the first round of RLP). The daily PT regimen is also being changed to increase the difficulty/intensity. The physical aspect of OCS isn't impossible by any means but don't underestimate it. The biggest hurdle that keeps people from graduating on time is either rolling for fitness-related reasons or becoming injured because they didn't properly prepare themselves.
If you cannot easily hit the minimum PFA requirements in the comfort of your home gym, then you're wrong. You will be expected to perform under stressful, less-than-ideal conditions (i.e. you'll still have the deer-in-the-headlight stress of an indoc candidate, they'll wake you up after a couple hours of sleep, run you down to the track at 0400 without any time for a pre-game poop, etc.). Don't be that person who gets surprised when they can't hit the numbers they thought they could hit and finds themselves in H-class before they even realized what happened. Test yourselves beforehand (with proper form), crush the minimums, and know what you're capable of.