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Supreme Court Backs No-Knock Police Searches

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that police armed with a warrant can enter homes and seize evidence even if they don't knock, a huge victory for the government and law enforcement agencies.

No-knock warrants have lead to many wrongful intrusions by police because they couldn't get the address right, etc. I'm NOT a fan of no-knock warrants. Bad ju-ju.


Doing Flips and Shit.
I did a mock Supreme Court case on this in my Constitutional Law class. Glad to see the Supreme Court ruled against this guy. One of very few conservative decisions made by the Supreme Court in the last few years.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
I did a mock Supreme Court case on this in my Constitutional Law class. Glad to see the Supreme Court ruled against this guy. One of very few conservative decisions made by the Supreme Court in the last few years.

So you support no-knock warrants?


One of very few conservative decisions made by the Supreme Court in the last few years.

Since when was increasing government power and limiting privacy rights become conservative? Sounds pretty liberal to me...

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Red2 said:
Since when was increasing government power and limiting privacy rights become conservative? Sounds pretty liberal to me...

Yep. Conservative does not equal giving the government more intrusive powers. Especially when police departments all over the country keep fvcking this up.


Doing Flips and Shit.
Seems to be enough laws and regulations already that make it tough for police and law enforcement officials to catch bad guys. I just think this makes it easier for the police to do their job.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Seems to be enough laws and regulations already that make it tough for police and law enforcement officials to catch bad guys. I just think this makes it easier for the police to do their job.

Random checkpoints would make their job easier too.


Doing Flips and Shit.
Also while I agree It might not be completely conservative in nature, I labeled this decision as conservative mainly because look he voted against the guy, all conservative judges.


Doing Flips and Shit.
Fly Navy said:
Random checkpoints would make their job easier too.

Yeah, but the way I see it random checkpoints are that, just random. With this decision it helps the police in going after already suspected criminals.


Really old guy
I wonder how long it will be before someone goes to the wrong address and someone dies because of it. I don't care much for the no knock warrant.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
feddoc said:
I wonder how long it will be before someone goes to the wrong address and someone dies because of it. I don't care much for the no knock warrant.

Exactly what I was thinking.

An intrusion by police could be mistaken for a home invasion. Many home invasions start by the bad guys pretending to be police. One day, a police officer (and homeowner) may die from this.


Fly Navy said:
Exactly what I was thinking.

An intrusion by police could be mistaken for a home invasion. ...One day, a police officer (and homeowner) may die from this.
I believe they already have ...


Is it baseball season yet?
Wait, but if a police department has a warrant for one house, goes to the wrong one, and seizes stuff, they can't use that against you can they? And if they could, would that really stand in court?

I mean, I know if they go to the right place, with a warrant, legally, and then find stuff "in plain sight" or within places that are likely that the items being looked for could be it's legal, but how is going to the wrong place and seizing things legal?


Well-Known Member
Look at it this way. I am clean. There are no drugs, illegal weapons, other BS in my house.

My street name starts with a K. The name can also be spelled with a C. The C name is in a really bad part of town. I live in a so-so neighborhood (my street is OK, but it is not too far from the local meth haven).

MethHead home invasions are somewhat common here. I keep a loaded 1911 in the nightstand. Wife has a 38 Spcl. If my door gets kicked down in the middle of the night, if my wife is in bed with me, lead will be heading that way shortly. (no kids or roomates, or relatives with keys)

Hypothetical situation. SWAT gets a no-knock from the court. Typo on the warrant gives my address (K instead of C. I get mail for them at least once a week). They show up, no lights, just form up around the corner, and yell police, and kick in the door. My coyote will go bat**** about 2 seconds before they kick the door in. The Lab may wake up. Even if they yell "Police" and kick, I won't hear "police" all I will hear is the 'yote going nuts, and the door being kicked in.

Men in black, yelling with guns are now in my house. I do not know they are police. The SA gyros are still spinning up here (remember, I was hypothetically asleep).

Fight or flight part of brain is only part up to speed.
Men with guns = threat
Exit Blocked/Family Trapped = no flight
That leaves fight and will likely end up with me and a cop being shot. Remember, I do not know they are cops. (and what is to prevent enterprising methheads from yelling "POLICE" when they kick down the door)

Nevermind that kicking down doors and middle of the night raids are why my family left Latvia.


he will die without safety brief
Also while I agree It might not be completely conservative in nature, I labeled this decision as conservative mainly because look he voted against the guy, all conservative judges.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
