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Supreme Court Backs No-Knock Police Searches


Registered User
MasterBates said:
Look at it this way. I am clean. There are no drugs, illegal weapons, other BS in my house.

My street name starts with a K. The name can also be spelled with a C. The C name is in a really bad part of town. I live in a so-so neighborhood (my street is OK, but it is not too far from the local meth haven).

MethHead home invasions are somewhat common here. I keep a loaded 1911 in the nightstand. Wife has a 38 Spcl. If my door gets kicked down in the middle of the night, if my wife is in bed with me, lead will be heading that way shortly. (no kids or roomates, or relatives with keys)

Hypothetical situation. SWAT gets a no-knock from the court. Typo on the warrant gives my address (K instead of C. I get mail for them at least once a week). They show up, no lights, just form up around the corner, and yell police, and kick in the door. My coyote will go bat**** about 2 seconds before they kick the door in. The Lab may wake up. Even if they yell "Police" and kick, I won't hear "police" all I will hear is the 'yote going nuts, and the door being kicked in.

Men in black, yelling with guns are now in my house. I do not know they are police. The SA gyros are still spinning up here (remember, I was hypothetically asleep).

Fight or flight part of brain is only part up to speed.
Men with guns = threat
Exit Blocked/Family Trapped = no flight
That leaves fight and will likely end up with me and a cop being shot. Remember, I do not know they are cops. (and what is to prevent enterprising methheads from yelling "POLICE" when they kick down the door)

Nevermind that kicking down doors and middle of the night raids are why my family left Latvia.
I agree, not to mention that we're supposed to be protected from illegal search and siezures. Of course considering they have a warrant it would be "legal", but without being served with the warrant(by knocking) how would you know


he will die without safety brief
It's going to be interesting the first time that "Castle Doctrine" comes up against this practice.

The "Castle Doctrine" simply says that if a criminal breaks into your home, your occupied vehicle or your place of business, you may presume he is there to do bodily harm and you may use any force against him.
Now you tell me how easy it's going to be to distinguish random burglar busting down your door and some cop busting down your door in the heat of the moment.


MasterBates said:
. . . They show up, no lights, just form up around the corner, and yell police, and kick in the door. My coyote will go bat**** about 2 seconds before they kick the door in. The Lab may wake up. Even if they yell "Police" and kick, I won't hear "police" all I will hear is the 'yote going nuts, and the door being kicked in.

Wait up, slight threadjack. You have a Coyote as a pet, how did you manage that? Is that even legal? Is it clasified as a dog or as a wild animal? Enquiring minds would like to know, you know, if it isn't any trouble to you, sir. :)

End Threadjack.


Registered User
Government listening to our calls, recording our phone records, planning to record our web activity, and kicking our doors down without even knocking. Hurray for small government! I guess it's a small price to pay for lower capital gains taxes.

I seriously can't wait for the police to come charging through the doors of some of our resident concealed carry nuts. After a few cops get killed you know it's not the no knock warrant policy that will be changed but your right to bear arms that will be sacrificed.

Semper Fi,


Well-Known Member
The "Coyote" is a fuzzy red furball that my wife found on the side of the road near Petronila, TX (Between Bishop and Chapman Ranch). Has a very Coyote look to her, we think she is really a coy-dog.


Ah, thanks. I was thinking, "WTH? This guy's got a coyote for a pet and he flies helos? That's badass."

But the coy-dog thing makes sense. Had a neighbor a few years ago pick up a stray who turned out to be a German Shepherd/Coyote mix. He was a really hearty, big dog.


Is it baseball season yet?
AllAmerican75 said:
Ah, thanks. I was thinking, "WTH? This guy's got a coyote for a pet and he flies helos? That's badass."

But the coy-dog thing makes sense. Had a neighbor a few years ago pick up a stray who turned out to be a German Shepherd/Coyote mix. He was a really hearty, big dog.

Whatever the f it is, it still sounds pretty badass.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
usmcecho4 said:
I seriously can't wait for the police to come charging through the doors of some of our resident concealed carry nuts. After a few cops get killed you know it's not the no knock warrant policy that will be changed but your right to bear arms that will be sacrificed.

Semper Fi,

WTF does concealed carry have to do with home invasion?

There have been times of police officers being shot in what was perceived as self-defense by joe citizen and joe citizen came out clean. A tough case as cops are a protect species (sometimes a good thing), but it happens.


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
Red2 said:
Since when was increasing government power and limiting privacy rights become conservative?

I've posted on this before. The "right to privacy" is a made-up, catch-all "right" which was a springboard by the Warren Court (a left-wing institution if there ever was one) to assert themselves on a wide variety of legislative issues.

It turned from "evidence obtained by illegal means is inadmissible" to "killing anyone who isn't born is legal"... all under the guise of "privacy".

Newsflash, folks: the Founding Fathers believing in logic through exclusion, not through blanket inclusion. Anyone every wonder why the Bill of Rights were "Amendments"?!?

There is no such thing as "right to privacy". It's a bullsh!t leftist concept. What exists is the right to illegal search and seizure, and guess what? The idea that evidence obtained under a legal 4th Amendment warrant should be thrown out because the cops didn't knock is nothing more than another effort to protect criminals a la Gideon v Wainwright and Miranda v Arizona.

This crap has to be put to a stop. Thank goodness the Supreme Court has a clue, unlike Judge "can't go to jail because he's too short"


Privacy? What's that? They things seem to be going, we'll all be forced to do the bad thing under government supervsion before the next decade is over.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
TurnandBurn55 said:
This crap has to be put to a stop. Thank goodness the Supreme Court has a clue, unlike Judge "can't go to jail because he's too short"

Sorry, but I'm more worried about the police fvcking it up, like they have in the past, and innocent people getting killed or intruded upon. You see how that's a bad thing, right? If the police departments around the country could get their sh!t together and get it right...


Registered User
a la Gideon v Wainwright .

You think people convicted of crimes shouldn't be given a lawyer? What if you didn't do it, but you have no idea about how the criminal justice system works and about law? You'd get smoked and sent to jail for something you didn't do. Gideon v. Wainwright isn't protecting criminals, it's protecting everyone.


Registered User
Fly Navy said:
WTF does concealed carry have to do with home invasion?

There have been times of police officers being shot in what was perceived as self-defense by joe citizen and joe citizen came out clean. A tough case as cops are a protect species (sometimes a good thing), but it happens.

Just surmising that our resident concealed carry gun=security crowd would probably have quite the arsenal awaiting ANY would be intruders. Sorry for any confusion. Considering the fact that individual rights are becoming an endangered species as of late I think my point stands.

I just love the whole line that republicans politicians spout about government staying out of our lives while they simultaneously and surreptitiously go about installing Big Brother.

Semper Fi,


Registered User
Birdman1 said:
You think people convicted of crimes shouldn't be given a lawyer? What if you didn't do it, but you have no idea about how the criminal justice system works and about law? You'd get smoked and sent to jail for something you didn't do. Gideon v. Wainwright isn't protecting criminals, it's protecting everyone.

Agreed. It's all an extension of the same "hang them from the highest tree" / "two minutes of hate" mentality that IMHO is all too prevalent in the military.

Semper Fi,

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
usmcecho4 said:
Just surmising that our resident concealed carry gun=security crowd would probably have quite the arsenal awaiting ANY would be intruders. Sorry for any confusion. Considering the fact that individual rights are becoming an endangered species as of late I think my point stands.

I understood what you were getting at, I just didn't see how concealed carry had anything to do with it. A lot of security minded people I know, don't have a concealed carry license.

I just love the whole line that republicans politicians spout about government staying out of our lives while they simultaneously and surreptitiously go about installing Big Brother.

Oh, I know. I'm less than thrilled at how the Republican party is basically the same as the Democratic party in regards to big gov't now.