Hello, what is the best type of ship to be stationed at for brand new swo ensigns?
For professional development?
FDNF-J Cruiser or DDG. Easily. The Cruiser has more depth at all the key spots and more experience (2nd tour DHs, 2nd tour divos, 2nd tour CO) which makes things easier, while the destroyer provides more opportunity to stand out if you're really committed because of that same lack of depth. Rate it as Cruiser you'll have a slightly easier time / see more, but DDG you'll get to do more and often have more individual power / influence. In either you'll get tons of underway time in high traffic environments and will see everything you need to set yourself up for success in the future, both in ship handling and in tactical situations. A shooter sees everything in terms of missions and they are underway
all the time.
After that FDNF-E DDG, because you'll get less sea time than the FDNF-J, but still more / more consistent underway time in more difficult situations than your CONUS peers.
After that any Cru/Des (though non-independent deployer is preferable because you need the time interacting with the strike group to learn how that goes).
Avoid gators like the plague if your goal is professional development. Their combat systems side is very limited, their strike group role is limited, and you just don't see everything you'll need to in order to succeed as a department head because the way they operate is just so different than any shooter.
For quality of life?
Any San Antonio class. Quality of life is way higher, you aren't on a real big deck but you enjoy the perks of O-6 command, and the larger crew is a blessing that keeps giving. Fewer mission areas, newer ships, larger crews, less frequent deployments / less chance of getting underway to support various things. Everything there to like.
Barring that the youngest / newest hull you an find.
Avoid Everett / Jacksonville / Sasebo / non-fleet concentration areas.