Remember, I've done ASW. More than AEW.
Still not seeing it. Remember, the E-2 is as old as the P-3.
Just a community difference I guess.
I suspect a big part is that P-3 ASW is a bit more labor intensive, just by virtue of being bigger, faster, no hovering, constant maneuvering in a longitudinally-unstable aircraft that never has a working autopilot. Add to that the need to be constantly QA-ing the tactics of the window-licking TACCO in the back (without the benefit of a sensor-repeater scope), and you quickly get in a place where you're happy to hand stuff off to someone else.
But really, it's that the cockpit is physically too large to be a two-person job (P-3 cockpit is wider across than a 747 cockpit). Even with gorilla arms, you can't reach or read everything from the pilot seats. The plane was actually designed before the invention of ergonomics.