I disagree. I would not have anywhere near the services that I have now except for the money I pay. It is a very expensive area, everyone from teachers to cops get paid more because of it and they do a good job.
I can't argue with your own experience. But it clearly does not correlate with any consistency. CA is high cost just like your area, so services are costly and taxes high, yet they get little value for their taxes. My area is low cost yes, but I have some of the lowest local taxes in the country and services that probably rival those you enjoy.
The 'poor' will never pay as much as they consume when it comes to taxes, just like the 'rich' will never consume as much as they contribute. It is a fact of life in pretty much any country with an income tax. And the mount gained by raising taxes on the 40% who don't effectively pay right now would likely be insignificant compared to what the top 1% pay in taxes. Call it an obiligation of citizenship, but those who are 'better off' pay more. Unless you plan on moving to Monaco or Liechtenstein, I think you will find that is the true in most of the world.
I am not talking about getting back what you pay into the system. Just because the taxes a guy might pay do not pay for the services he uses does not mean he doesn't have to do his share. No one hesitates to say I have to do my share. I resent it. You talk about an obligation of citizenship. Why are 40% of my fellow Americans not meeting their obligation of citizenship? If you earn an income you are obligated to help out. It isn't about the dollars of revenue as it is about the immorality of it. It is unamerican. What makes those people so special? Are they better Americans then I am? Because of the taxes I pay there are somethings I can not spend my hard earned money on (not good for the economy either). But 40% of wage earners get to spend every single one of their pennies on anything they please. We are sending the wrong message to America's citizens. If you work, you pay! I don't care if it is $300 or $30,000. The only people getting a free ride in the cart pulled by tax payers should be those that simply can not bear the yoke, that is those below the poverty line and the unemployed disabled. I don't mind being at the head of the team if necessary, just as long there is a team. I will even accept a heavier yoke for a time, just as long as the weight of the cart isn't unduly heavy.