.... any payroll taxes if some members of Congress have their way..
Ouch, hit a nerve.
Payroll taxes, what they are now called. Originally called by the politicians "Insurance Contributions" hence FICA or Federal Insurance Contribution Act. Now "Taxes" used by POLs as example of how unfair the system is, that is, everyone pays the same and the "rich", those that make over $107K a year (rounded up) pay nothing on income above that level.
Lets take a look at what the Pols are talking about. First they want the "low income" folks to pay no FICA, think the Stimulus Package has a rebate of 2 months for low income. Not sure specifics, could be wrong. The Dems also want to eliminate the cap of $107K and make all income subject to FICA.
Take a look at a fellow, self employed that pays 16% of income or about $16,000 a year in FICA. Now lets move that cap up to $250K and that same fellow pays $40K year year FICA. Now move that cap up to a cool million that the same chap now pays $160,000 in FICA. Now we talking serious $$. We as legislators can really have some power with all that coin.
Note: The FICA rate is currently 7.7% (or so) for employee, matched by the employeer's 7.7% So end sum is same $$ to Government.
Now lets look at payout when you retire. Now since we have a means test for Social Security Payments, those folk that make more than certain amount have their payments reduced by serious amounts, currently up to 60%. They paid for the system, yet get no benefits.
Hmmmm..... now FICA is simply a welfare system?
Well now the POLs do not want you all to know all of this. And a whole bunch of
unamerican bastards do not want me to attend any of the "Tea Parties", trying to intimidate by insulting, belittling me for atending.