Well, I can't believe I read this post over a year ago and here I am now in my last week of API. All I have to say is, API is a cake walk if you are even half way intelligent. Anyone that can make it though college can make it though API.
I don't what the gouge was a year ago or 5 years ago but we were told to study 8 hours a day and another 5 while you sleep with one eye open...bla bla bla...and so on and so forth. Needless to say, after hearing all the initial lectures about the common failures and the amount of studying necessary, I was somewhat nervous. On top of all this, I wasn't exactlly the greatest swimmer and well, there is a lot of swimming in the syllabus...with gear. So, I was slightly worried to say the least.
For those who are just starting or will be starting in the future, I can honestly tell you that it is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I will say that my engineering degree did help me to understand most of the concepts in AERO and ENGINES. The material is fairly simple but the ease with which you learn the material will depend on how "mechanically inclined" you are. They do a good job on simplifying the concepts in the books and you can definitely do great if you simply hit the "I believe button".
When it came to studying, I was probably putting in 6-7 hours during the week and about 5-6 on the weekends and my overall average was 94%. The questions that I did miss were the result of not reading the question carefully enough. I know some of you are thinking, how hard can it be to read the question "carefully enough"...you just have to experience it for yourself to understand. If you don't miss anything, then good on you.
As far as the swimming goes, just so everyone know my exact background, I couldn't even tread water 7 months ago. I really learned to swim at TBS and as much as I hated having to go to remedial swim every week, i'm glad I did because it helped me a whole lot though API. I'm not saying that TBS made me into an Olympic swimmer or anything even close. I just knew how to do the breast stroke, side stoke, back stroke and American crawl(freestyle). If you can do those 4 strokes, you will do just fine. The instructors are looking for proper form, not speed. For others who are worried about treading water with gear or swimming in the flight suit, put your worries aside because the gear floats! You will put on those steel toe flight boots and think you are going to sink right to the bottom but trust me, you don't. I didn't even have to kick to keep myself afloat with the gear because it did it for me. Some of the other swim events include the helo dunker and all that fun stuff and I will say it is just that, fun stuff!
So, to wrap it all up, just enjoy life and don't even sweat about API. If my dumbass can do it, so can you.