Nice job Garrett. Throw the grenade in the room and then leave. Feel better??? Meanwhile every young devil dog behind you is sweating bullets.
Bitching about something just to bitch is reserved for junior enlisted and slack ass officers. Which one are you?
A (wannabe) leader brings solutions to the discussion.
Fix the gouge or STFU.
I didn't mean it like that at all. All I was saying is not to get false security, rely on gouge, and not study A LOT. Almost everyone I spoke to, or what I read on this said that API was relatively easy. Granted, I am not the brightest person, and had to study my ass off at USD to graduate with honors with an easier degree such as finance, but I would have really appreciated a handful of people telling me it isn't easy, it is actually difficult for someone who is a complete stranger to aviation. Then I probably would have studied more prior. I believe it would be more beneficial for me to come in here and tell everyone it is not too easy, so then the slower people such as myself properly prepare, and do not start API behind the eight-ball.
As for gouge, there is more gouge than needed, but at some point, you have to just read the pubs, and study the material opposed to use gouge. A majority of the gouge in the dropbox has errors, a lot of new test types have been released, such as the FRR. And the only thing I propose is to study as much as possible before to get a start on it. My success came from simply memorizing and understanding the ELOs. I could have looked at all the gouge in the world, and nothing is as comprehensive as the ELOs. I don't understand why everyone is so hostile, I am trying to help the upcoming students prepare by telling them not to take API lightly, opposed to saying it is a breeze, and don't worry about it, you'll be fine. 30% attrition says otherwise. I understand that API was not hard for many people on here, but it was hard for me, and about half the Marines I went through with, and all of us agree that we got the idea that it would be easier than it really was. My gouge is to literally memorize all the ELOs for the upcoming exams, study your ass off, and don't rely on all this gouge being passed around (as there is bad gouge sprinkled throughout the dropbox), that is the only way to ensure you will cover all of the material on an exam.