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The Doctor is in! Ask a Flight Surgeon!


Active Member
MIDN who just finished up precommissioning physical. Got whammied with an asthma diagnosis being dug up from forever go. Next COA is PFT/MCT when/if I am selected for SNA.

Looking for a doc/experienced opinion here: Is it worth getting a PFT/MCT done on my own with a civilian pulmonologist, or just wait for the Navy to get me an appt? I figure waiting is the right move, but the nerves and anxiety are getting to me. TIA for any help.


New Member
I was recently diagnosed with ITP (immune thrombocytopenia). I've gotten treatment and things are looking good but it is going to be a no-go for the Air Force according to their waiver guide. I searched the Navy Aeromedical Reference and Waiver Guide and it is only mentioned in passing as a cause of splenectomy. I know I would need a waiver for thrombocytopenia for any branch but I wanted to see if I would have a shot at flying in the Navy. If there are any flight docs active on here who could give me advice I would really appreciate it. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
I was recently diagnosed with ITP (immune thrombocytopenia). I've gotten treatment and things are looking good but it is going to be a no-go for the Air Force according to their waiver guide. I searched the Navy Aeromedical Reference and Waiver Guide and it is only mentioned in passing as a cause of splenectomy. I know I would need a waiver for thrombocytopenia for any branch but I wanted to see if I would have a shot at flying in the Navy. If there are any flight docs active on here who could give me advice I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
The Navy Medical Manual is what you need to look at for entrance into the USN. This is what it says.

2) Current or history of coagulation defects (286)
to include but not limited to Von Willebrand's Disease
(286.4), idiopathic thrombocytopenia (287), Henoch-
Schonlein Purpura (287.0), is disqualifying.


New Member
Hello, flight doc! I had issues with heartburn and was prescribed omeprazole and a diagnosis of GERD. I found that I just needed to change my diet and reduce caffeine and all symptoms of GERD vanished. Will a resolved diagnosis of GERD disqualify me from flight? Thanks!


Noise, vibration and harshness
Per the Aeromedical Waiver Guide, GERD is disqualifying for aviation. Applicants may be recommended for a waiver on a case-by-case basis. Get all your medical records from the diagnosis and treatment, as you'll need them for the waiver submission. The requirements for a waiver are in the Waiver Guide.

I have no idea if this condition is getting any waiver recommendations out of NAMI these days.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
My one piece of advice for anyone contemplating a future in Naval Air is to first exhaust all possible fixes for whatever ails you via lifestyle changes, diet, etc., or just quietly suffer with it, before seeing a doctor and getting something into the record.

And always remember that you are not a doctor, and never diagnose yourself. Make them earn their pay.


Well-Known Member
Any Docs out there have experience with applicants getting waivers for a choroidal nevus (freckle in the eye)? I head out to OCS as an SNA in Nov and this is the only thing really worrying me. Waiver guide says it is CD/WR.


dumb ensign/SNA
Does a Doc know if I should submit that I had acne in 2017-2018 on the flight physical form? I took accutane for around 5 months but the acne was never severe or dangerous, and all the medical questions around it are asking for tumors and such?


Well-Known Member
Does a Doc know if I should submit that I had acne in 2017-2018 on the flight physical form? I took accutane for around 5 months but the acne was never severe or dangerous, and all the medical questions around it are asking for tumors and such?
Hmm. Be honest, have integrity, and never submit negative medical information. Just like: never memorize checklists, but memorize the following checklists: x, y z. Be honest, have integrity, and be hypocritical!

Less funny answer, yes you had acne, it didn't impact your day-to-day business, you had no trouble playing football with all the padding etc, etc. I had pretty bad acne in high school, I had put mild I think. The doc at MEPS was like "that's moderate at least". I explained that it hadn't impacted me, got through just fine. As well as torn ACL, childhood asthma, etc.


dumb ensign/SNA
Hmm. Be honest, have integrity, and never submit negative medical information. Just like: never memorize checklists, but memorize the following checklists: x, y z. Be honest, have integrity, and be hypocritical!

Less funny answer, yes you had acne, it didn't impact your day-to-day business, you had no trouble playing football with all the padding etc, etc. I had pretty bad acne in high school, I had put mild I think. The doc at MEPS was like "that's moderate at least". I explained that it hadn't impacted me, got through just fine. As well as torn ACL, childhood asthma, etc.
Of course! I wasn't asking if I should withhold any info, just that I wasn't sure if they were asking for acne that was incapacitating or if it was all-encompassing.
Might be a long shot, but if there’s a flight doc on here, please shoot me a message, I have some questions. Thank you very much in advance!


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any experience with exophoria/esophoria? I know the standards for SNA are no more than 6.0 prism diopters. I went to an eye doctor within last few weeks and they didn't tell me any measurements but did say my resting eye position is slightly outwards. They mentioned its pretty common.
If possible, is there an easy way to measure at home? I know about the eye cover test but I want to make sure i'm within the prism diopter limit.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone had any experiences with being denied medically even though you passed standards? For example, I went to the Air Force with childhood asthma, passed all the tests they requested (PFT, MCT) with flying colors but was still denied. A flight surgeon had to write a letter to the SG to convince them to give me a waiver, and only then it was approved. This is stressing me out more than it should but I want to be the most prepared when the time comes for MEPS and hopefully if I can get there, NAMI.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Has anyone had any experiences with being denied medically even though you passed standards? For example, I went to the Air Force with childhood asthma, passed all the tests they requested (PFT, MCT) with flying colors but was still denied. A flight surgeon had to write a letter to the SG to convince them to give me a waiver, and only then it was approved. This is stressing me out more than it should but I want to be the most prepared when the time comes for MEPS and hopefully if I can get there, NAMI.

That's how the process works. You have a condition that is deemed CD, you then apply for the waiver. The same thing happens in the fleet if something comes up, but the waiver process starts (if able) right after the discovery of the problem and is submitted by the same person that found it.


dumb ensign/SNA
Hi all, back again, I am about to go on cruise. 2 things.

1. I didn't receive a DD2992 form from my flight physical and apparently it is necessary. Will my special aviation physical work for this?
2. I did receive an NPQ for Accutane when I was younger, but the doc said I wouldn't need a waiver if I did an extra blood test. However I don't have any documentation of this so my form just says I am not qualified due to this old prescription, with no waiver attached - just says recommendations : NPQ/AA DIACA SNA WR. Can someone put this together for me? The doc said I should be ok for cruise and selecting aviation but the paper seems to hammer me.