Is the dude in the back wearing a JHMCS? If he is, color me confused...
ECMO has global SA.....he needs no JHMCS. On a side note, I flew a lot 16 the other day with JHMCS.......I plugged my helmet in and nothing happened...sad
Is the dude in the back wearing a JHMCS? If he is, color me confused...
110615-F-MJ568-059 JOINT PACIFIC ALASKA RANGE COMPLEX, Alaska (June 15, 2011) An EA-18G Growler assigned to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 9 refuels from a Marine Corps KC-130 Hercules, not pictured, assigned to Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron (VMGR) 452 during exercise Northern Edge 2011. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Amanda Dick/Released)
And 260 is not a very VAQ-y side number.
The jet VT's are still sending Navy cat 1's to Prowler land so I'd imagine it is still a way off.
Does anyone know if this is still the case?
Oh come on. Just when have you seen a G deigning to carry pods?pods?
The Navy is going to be flying Prowlers until 2014 or so. Don't know exactly when they'll be done with CAT I's at 129, but it's probably a year or two away.
Last B CAT 1 FRS grad = late FY14
I assume you mean that's for the dual anchor crowd, am I correct?