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The Great Pirates off the Somali Coast thread

Where does the "winning hearts and minds" stop? Should we put these pirates in a rehab facility and try to figure out what went wrong in their childhood? We used to hang pirates and the message got true pretty well. This catch and release bullshit is only going to make them bolder.


Press the Easy Button and make the ROE so that you schwack the pirates. You do not have to tell the world your ROE! Situation, your helo does a fly-by of the pirate vessel and witnesses incoming small-arms fire......answer it with decisive firepower. OK, say you want to take them alive......take freaking notes from the CG on how they stop smugglers......this really is not that hard......when the little fvckers shoot at you, shoot back with something big!

If only these folks were that stupid. When coalition ships show up, these folks toss the weapons overboard or simply protest innocence, and unless we catch them in the act weapons on board ship aren't much evidence, especially if shippers start hiring armed guards as many here would suggest.

Crooks are not stupid enough to shoot at superior firepower, even in the third world.



You remind me of the guy in a TV script who puts the "rights" of the bad guys ahead of winning the fight ... the guy who is doctrinaire, policy-driven, constipated, humorless, frustrating as hell and gets people killed as a result ...

Sounds like this is Flash on AW:


Just for the record; so the "rest" of you know:

I think Flash is a bright young(er) man with a good, analytical mind. I just think he's wrong in many of his conclusions ... and his instincts are usually "different" than mine ... but no harm, no foul.
We continue to agree to disagree on many subjects, but that does not lessen his contributions to our Nation nor make his opinion any less valid. Well ... mebbe ... :sleep_125 ... BUT:

He's just wrong. :D

Seriously, though ... can you see Flash & me in an A-6??? :eek:

If we could stop shredding each other long enough to make the bombing run ... the Gomers wouldn't stand a chance in hell. :)


Super Moderator
Flash, you're hopeless.

You remind me of the guy in a TV script who puts the "rights" of the bad guys ahead of winning the fight ... the guy who is doctrinaire, policy-driven, constipated, humorless, frustrating as hell and gets people killed as a result ...

But there's a precedent; we remember your ancestors: you're the modern day evolution of the guy we know, love, and remember from the McNamara "best & brightest" clique ...

The guy tactical types hate; the guy everyone would cheerfully frag if they could get away w/it ... :)

Speaking of "offices" ... you don't do this stuff at work, do you?? On the taxpayers dime ... ???

I am arguing that we can't commit war crimes and you compare me to McNamara's whiz kids? That is a bit of a stretch, even for you. What you advocate violates the UCMJ and US laws, simple as that. It is not about ROE or some pencil necked bureaucrat making them, this is about the laws of the land and the same we were sworn to uphold. Again, pretty simple.

I am not arguing that we can't have permissive ROE allowing us to kill pirates or pursue them onto land, even destroying their bases. This is about just making the rule of 'killing them all', much to simplistic. And it would be a mistake to think that the current ROE does not allow for doing some of the above. Then again, you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

As for those tactical guys who hate people like me, what about my 'other' life? Do I hate myself? Talk about being masochistic.......

I consider myself a realist, but at the same time principled as well. As someone who has to work with numerous ROE's in the past and will likely do so in the future, I can understand some of the frustration involved with them. They can be too restrictive, as they were in Vietnam, but we aren't getting rid of them so we deal with them. Like I said before, to say otherwise is the luxury who no longer have to deal with them anymore.

So until the UCMJ, US laws and reality in general changes, those of us who still serve will have to follow them. The others can whine about them on the internets. Funny how that works out. ;)


Derek S. Reveron (prof at Navy War College) at Foreign Policy:
Executive Summary:

Piracy is making a comeback: It never went away
Pirates are Terrorists: Not yet
Armed Merchant Ships are the answer: Wrong
If captured, pirates could easily be tried for their crimes: Nope
The world needs a war on piracy: Absolutely Not


FERS and TSP contributor!
USMC Scout Snipers and Somalie Pirates - TARGET

The Marines are back doing what they do best - kicking pirates ass. Marine Scout Snipers are being deployed to provide protection for counter-piracy teams in and around the Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and Red Sea. Navy.mil reports:

The nine-member sniper team brings multiple capabilities to CTF 151, including its ability to operate from an aerial platform with a variety of different weapons systems. The scout snipers use a Mk-11, which is the 762 sniper rifle; a 50-caliber M107 special application scoped rifle (SASR); and several different sets of optics to aid them in carrying out their mission.

“We have the ability to stand off of a target, visually see what is on the target and report that information to the VBSS teams so they understand — before they’re boarding — the number of personnel, if there are any weapons on board, if there are any type of foulings on the deck, if their hook point is obtainable, and, basically, give them a warm and fuzzy feeling that they’re not out alone out here, that they have snipers watching over them 100 percent of the time,” explained Benkie.

Note that this Marine is using a 7.62 SR-25 variant - NOT a bolt action rifle. It's nice to see the Marine Corps lose bolt action M40 for good.

Now they need to get the fugly non tactical reflective tape coated helmet off this poor Marine...



Single Seat

Average member
Why use that when we have so many more toys that are complete over kill?!?! So much for my dream of Pirate hunting.
