Quoting SCRA...
so if you were in same boat as me and came down from college to API under temporary duty orders then your orders to Whiting are PCS orders. At the time last year I tripple checked this with the local NASP Jag office and they said I was right on. So I made a copy of this, highlighted the affected line and stapled a copy of my new orders and gave my 30 day notice. So if your worried about the 35 mile rule you can get out of it.
No. They are NOT PCS orders, and you do NOT fall under the SCRA for a move to Whiting. I know from lots of personal experience on this (even went into law office at NAS P'Cola about this). The provision for lease breaking is that you receive PCS orders AFTER signing a lease. You have received PCS orders prior to moving to Pensacola, and they do an order mod (unless you already have follow-on orders) for Whiting. NAS Pensacola is Temporary Duty. Also, the mileage distance is base-to-base, which is like 27 miles or so.
Your quote of the law, however, is correct. Many landlords don't know about the
Federal Law about the military clause, which really annoys me. A "military clause" is pointless unless it is more lenient than the SCRA (i.e., you don't need 30 days, etc.), and anything short of following it carries severe penalties for the landlord. But that has worked to the advantage of some studs. Since many are unaware of this law, when you show it to them, they may let you out (although they technically don't have to because it's not technically new PCS orders).
All that being said, you might be able to talk your landlord into letting you move, but since most apt complexes around there deal with this issue a LOT, they already have policies on it (i.e., most say you can't break a lease). I'd say either find a place you KNOW will let you break a lease (they say it explicitly in the lease), like a month-to-month one, or somewhere close to Whiting if you know you're going there (short drive for Primary is MUCH more important than a short drive for API/A-Pool).
If I'm wrong anywhere on this legally, someone please let me know. I looked into it pretty extensively, and only got out of my lease when I went to Whiting by divine intervention.