The CNO flew into Corpus for the day today and spoke to the wing at the base auditorium. One of the advanced squadron IPs asked him about plans to replace the C-2. He said that in a few years they would have to start thinking about what direction they want to go in. In other words, they have given no thought to replacing the C-2 yet. That should give you a pretty good idea how far down the line the COD replacement will be.
It was interesting how the CNO tapped around his various answers. I understand that on one level he's having to be political due to the job but I can't help to feel that being PC is more important than being straightforward. The question related to the COD replacement came from my buddy (who was in the same det when Bunk was OIC). You're correct in saying that the COD is far down the priority list, yet the CNO's answer talked about how important the COD is without actually saying what the timeframe for a replacement would be. He transitioned from answering the question to simply discussing how valuable the C-2 is. I'll be curious to hear the same question and answer session at Hook '09 in September.