Respectfully, but you have no way of knowing this. If however you mean we won't anytime soon, than I agree.
This violates special relativity.
How so? You are not violating special relativity or general relativity unless you claim to exceed the speed of light. But you can get very close to the speed of light, although it would take an enormous amount of energy.
Please show your work on this claim. Not sure that time dilation means you get to travel tens of billions of light years in just seven apparent years.
At the speed of light, any distance you travel in the universe will (to you) be instant. So at near the speed of light, any such distance would be very short. Space/the universe shrinks/contracts in the direction of travel the faster you go, and time slows down relative to the surrounding universe. That is why you cannot exceed the speed of light. The surface level argument is that it takes infinite energy to reach light speed, but the real reason is that if you actually reach the speed of light, the entire universe (again in your direction of travel) contracts to a two-dimensional line and time stops (so technically, you can't exceed light speed because there literally is no such thing as far as we can tell). This contraction is known as the Lorentz contraction.
It also happens both ways. Let's say you are traveling in a spaceship past the Earth and Moon (between them) at near the speed of light. From your vantage point, you are normal sized and time passes by normally. However, to you, the surrounding universe is contracted. The Earth and the Moon will both look shorter in length (though not height), like squished ovals. BUT, due to relativity, in which technically no object is at absolute rest or speed, while to YOU you're traveling at near the speed of light and the Earth and Moon are not, from the perspective of the Earth and Moon and surrounding universe, it could be said that THEY are all traveling at near the speed of light past YOU who is not. So from the vantage point of people on Earth or the Moon, your spaceship will look a lot shorter than it is to you. Maybe to you it is the size of a nuclear submarine but to them maybe it looks four feet long. This is because while you are traveling through the universe at near light speed, the universe is thus traveling past you, who also represents a small bubble of universe, at near light speed. So the effect happens both ways.
This is of course counterintuitive, common sense says if the Earth and Moon are squeezed to you, then if anything you should look elongated to them. But remember relativity and quantum mechanics both don't make logical sense. It happens because light moves at the same speed to all of the universe no matter what speed or direction.
Proposed by science fiction writers... not engineers. You really need to put down the crack pipe on this stuff.
Nope, by some physicists and engineers. Look up Miguel Alcubierre, Harold White, and Erik Lentz. None of these guys claim such a drive is technically feasible anytime soon, but have studied the physics on it. The (very basic) gist of it is that nothing stops spacetime itself from traveling faster than light. The universe is expanding faster than light. But you cannot travel faster than light within spacetime. If somehow you could create a bubble of spacetime around your spacecraft and move that through the surrounding spacetime, if might allow for FTL travel.
Such research doesn't receive much funding for obvious reasons, but the only way physics can really advance is by scratching at the limits of our understanding. If you want to see a really vicious war among physicists, look into the debate over whether string theory is real physics or just fancy math.