CNATRA wil get crushed if this comes to a head. Reminds me of Maj Gen James Post a few years ago:
BTW, I cannot wait to see if someone at Tailhook will ask him a direct question about this "I'll fire you" memo during the Flag Officer Q&A. I sure hope they do... and I hope someone films his tap dancing.
In case CNATRA's staff is on AW, here's what you can pass to him:
1. He is obviously concerned about pilot retention. Rightly so. If this is such a big problem then SHOW SOME LEADERSHIP. First things first... show up at your pilot training bases, and meet with the instructor pilots. Do it this week. Tell them your thoughts; what you think the problem is; and how you plan to remove some of the irritants that drive pilots out after their commitment is up. Be realistic. You are not going to fix the problem in your term (especially considering you'll probably get fired soon enough).
2. When you meet with your IP's, say this (a quote I heard from a Naval Aviator friend of mine): ""Hey guys, remember what it was like to be a stud. Around them, keep the focus on being a bad ass war fighter. When helping out the IPs, do a clearing turn and have some SA. Thanks."
3. After the meeting, go to the bar with your O-4's and below. Maybe you'll pick up some unfiltered nuggets of information.
4. Sitting in your castle and throwing out an edict like the one he did is precisely one of those irritant... and not what is expected from a leader.
5. Finally, don't treat your SELRES'... men who are in their 30's 40's... like children. Especially when you later refer to them as "warriors" when doing public speaking. Give them direction and guidance, and let them execute.
6. Oh... and focus on Making Naval Aviation Great Again... sir.