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THE VP DEBATE: Thursday Night Fights, Round 1 ... WHO "WON" .. ???

Win, Lose, or Draw ... Who's your "Daddy"???

  • Senator Biden

    Votes: 30 35.3%
  • Governor Palin

    Votes: 39 45.9%
  • Neither won ... it's a draw

    Votes: 16 18.8%

  • Total voters
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Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
The debate probably just reinforced peoples views for the most part; I'm guessing most conservatives think Palin won, most liberals think Biden won and (from polls I've seen) most independents/undecideds think Biden won, as well.
Palin won on style, Biden on substance.
Palin's job was to show she wasn't the totally in-over-her-head mediocrity we've seen in interviews and attack Obama. She was relaxed, confident, looked in the camera, put Biden on the defensive and was able to say something on every question. Of course that something was often not an answer to the question (odd how McCain attacks Obama on speaking platitudes and his running mate is a walking-talking platitude, gosh darnit) I don't think she really made a great case against Obama, however, but her performance probably stopped the bleeding and rising discomfort in the base. And now the focus will be off the little side show that has been her these last few weeks and put it back on the two guys running for prez. This wasn't a game changer (as it may have been if she screwed up big), and it will soon be forgotten.

Biden had to forcefully put forth his case for Obama and not look like a condescending bully while doing it. I think he did both. He showed a better command of facts, figures, and foreign policy.

Random8145 said:
Not to sound crude, but I don't give a rat's ass about where anybody "went to college." I could get up there and slaughter Obama and Biden on quite a few of these economic and tax issues, and I have no college degree.
Sure you could, dude, sure you could.
She (Palin) has one hell of a lot more common sense than Senator Obama from what I can tell, and Senator Biden who, for over thirty years in government, seems to not even be familiar with basic economics 101.
Still looking for the common sense out of her. Maybe she forgot to pull the "common sense" index card out of the stack.
As for who won the debate, I think overall Governor Palin by a slight margin, although she could have completely crushed Biden like a bug if she'd been a bit more knowledgeable about the economics/taxes/healthcare issue.
Translation: "She could have crushed Biden like a bug if she knew what she was talking about." Good to know.
But otherwise, considering Senator Biden has been in office for over thirty years, I think he did very poorly. If Palin had a lot more experience, and more knowledge, she'd have crushed Biden like a toad I think. All he did was recite some outright lies and the same old Leftwing talking points we have been hearing for years.
See above Translation (except substitute toad for bug).


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Biden had to forcefully put forth his case for Obama and not look like a condescending bully while doing it. I think he did both. He showed a better command of facts, figures, and foreign policy.

For the most part I agree. While he may not have been a condescending bully, I think he was, in fact, condescending on a few occasions. And if Sen Biden gets credit for better command of facts and figures, why didn't Sen McCain get credit for that in his first debate? Most of the focus groups and even a few pundits claimed McCain was one dimensional, unimaginative, and parroted a bunch of facts and figures no one was interested in.


Super Moderator
For the most part I agree. While he may not have been a condescending bully, I think he was, in fact, condescending on a few occasions. And if Sen Biden gets credit for better command of facts and figures, why didn't Sen McCain get credit for that in his first debate? Most of the focus groups and even a few pundits claimed McCain was one dimensional, unimaginative, and parroted a bunch of facts and figures no one was interested in.



Registered User
Anyone else notice how Biden smiles a lot when he's nervous....and those choppers are bleached about 3 shades too white. The bad botox and hair plugs didn't help either. That's about as substantive as I'm feeling right now doggonit!


Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
Anyone else notice how Biden smiles a lot when he's nervous....and those choppers are bleached about 3 shades too white. The bad botox and hair plugs didn't help either. That's about as substantive as I'm feeling right now doggonit!
He was nervous?

I'm guessing he was coached to smile at Palin while she was speaking and "turn on the charm". Better than sighing, I guess.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator

Duh! What was I thinking? :eek: Obama's defining quality and single strength is verbal communication. No way McCain can compete with that... Oh my God the election is lost for the GOP. Facts and figures don't mean anything if not delivered more smoothly and adroitly then your opponent. Someone say something about form over substance before?


Internet killed the television star
I can't find the link right now but I saw a poll on CNN last night that gave the debate a slight edge to Biden, just over 50%. However, the general population seemed to like Palin a lot better on tv, more personable, something like 70-ish%.

Just wonder if that liking Palin more on tv will correlate into votes for McCain or if it'll just stay the VP-ILF deal.


Registered User
Palin won on style, Biden on substance.

Mmm...I'd have to heartily disagree. Biden did not win on substance by any means.

Biden had to forcefully put forth his case for Obama and not look like a condescending bully while doing it. I think he did both. He showed a better command of facts, figures, and foreign policy.

Personally, I think he showed a terrible command of facts and figures, having little idea of what he was really saying. Anyone with a strong enough grasp of those issues (which unfortunately neither of them had) could have taken him apart.

Sure you could, dude, sure you could.

Yes, I could. It really isn't hard to pick apart much of the stuff Biden was saying. I am not super-smart by any means, but I think people think too highly of these politicians intelligence-wise. They're no more intelligent or knowledgeable than many of the average citizens.

Still looking for the common sense out of her. Maybe she forgot to pull the "common sense" index card out of the stack.

She understands to put America first, and to put the American people before the American government; Senator Obama is a man who thinks we can sit down with dictators without preconditions, create some global "ban" on nuclear weapons, decrease our military funding, and somehow in all this create "peace."

I would say he has no common sense.

Translation: "She could have crushed Biden like a bug if she knew what she was talking about." Good to know.

She knew enough, and more importantly, is a fast learner. Biden has had years of experience and still apparently isn't very knowledgeable IMO. She has no less real knowledge than Senator Obama, the Presidential candidate of the Democrats, and he only has what he has because he's been boning up since he started running. You give Palin another eighteen months and see where she is at.


Duh! What was I thinking? :eek: Obama's defining quality and single strength is verbal communication...
ONLY if the teleprompter is in a full up status ... otherwise, every other word is "uhhhh" or "ummm" ... quite the communicator, yea-as ??? :)

Ronald Reagan he ain't ... :)


.... desperately trying to get back onboard Air Warriors 'cause he's got no where else to go ....

Hey, Brett1 -- or 2 -- or 3 -- how dumb do you think we are around here ... ???

Obviously not as dumb as you ....

Oh, by the way ... you're BANNED again ... 3rd time's the charm ??? :)


Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
Mmm...I'd have to heartily disagree. Biden did not win on substance by any means... Personally, I think he showed a terrible command of facts and figures, having little idea of what he was really saying. Anyone with a strong enough grasp of those issues (which unfortunately neither of them had) could have taken him apart... It really isn't hard to pick apart much of the stuff Biden was saying. I am not super-smart by any means, but I think people think too highly of these politicians intelligence-wise. They're no more intelligent or knowledgeable than many of the average citizens...I would say he has no common sense... Biden has had years of experience and still apparently isn't very knowledgeable IMO.
Please pick apart his facts and show us his terrible command of them, instead of giving an "IMO". Show us your grasp of the issues, if you would.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Please pick apart his facts and show us his terrible command of them, instead of giving an "IMO". Show us your grasp of the issues, if you would.
He is just going to list all of Sen Biden's errors and mis statements. They are all over the internet. I for one don't want to have a fact check competition, even if I think Biden would come out on the short end of the deal.


Registered User
Biden made some gross simplifications and misstatments when talking about his support of "fairness" in the tax system, when he claimed that deregulation of healthcare would be bad, when he made the very misleading argument that we have had "eight years of failed Bush economic policies," which supposedly caused the financial crises, etc...pretty easy stuff to rip apart.
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