Yea i figured...I had another few questions I was hoping you guys could address in terms of PLC/OCS.
I realize that letters of rec will make or break your application. My OSO told me that 5 would be enough for PLC, but I'm a little skeptical as to how valid this statement truly is. I honestly believe that the more people who can account for you on a first hand basis, the better. So far I have letters lined up from:
Boss/Supervisor at Insurance Firm, Worked 2+ years 20 hrs a week
Career USA Ranger, E-7, I worked/interned for him at the Defense Language Institute
HS Coach/Teacher, Saw almost every aspect of me in and outside of school
College Prof, Took two courses with him
Friend/Colleague, Prior USMC E-4
Current OCS Select USMC, conducted workouts/information hearings with him at Det with other OCS/PLC candidates
Father (Not sure if this will benefit me in any way, as this man is my father. Give me your thoughts about whether or not I should include him) USAF 0-5
Ground School Instructor for PPL, USN 0-4, P-3 stud
Superior at current job, 2+ years
Former DLI CSM, USA E-9
Would this suffice? I just want to ensure that this process is not half-assed as this has truly been something I've wanted my whole life. As I've read on this website, the PLC boards were pushed from November to December and now February. I'm hoping that this winter break I will be able to get most, if not all of these completed.
Thank you for your time. Any and all comments are greatly appreciated.