Aviation Supply school is twice a year. If I remember correctly, both classes were always booked.
Is ATC training not long; something around 5 months with extensive OJT requirements to be fully qualified?
Logistics is a big one. The Marine Corps will always need logistics folks at every level of war. Also, it is pretty marketable on the outside.
Sorry if someone mentioned this one already but...
Speaking of Logistics, there looks to be 4 slots for SNA's in B Co to go the AMOS Logistics route, do a pump, and pick up at API immediately upon returning. Information developing, but intel good as of 14 May. More gouge coming on the possible need for UAV operators (almost no intel on this rumor). Right now, it looks like 13 guys volunteered for 4 slots (and about four of them cried at the lack of IOC slots). Hope this helps a bit.