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Things that make you go Hmmmmmmm............


Well-Known Member


UAL CA; retired hinge
Fratricide in combat is one thing, but dude, in training? WTF?! Firebreaks, safeguards, whatever, how about some common damn sense? I get it though, sounds like the poor sap was set up for failure and chose poorly in the end… hero to zero when he armed up and squeezed the trigger! Now that right there was some good ole buffoonery at the highest levels!

So his father, who made it to 3 stars, shot down a friendly over Vietnam... this gentleman shot down a friendly and was selected for his star....maybe they are onto something here... hmm, when is our next missile shoot and who wants to be my wingman!


HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
They probably have some great dinner conversations....

"So Dad, when you shot down your wingman, did you have a missile misfire like I did with that Air Force F-4?"

"Hey dad, did your RIO scream like a bitch when you shot down your wingman? I couldn't shut the son of a bitch up in my plane. Whine, whine, whine...."


Well-Known Member
Fratricide in combat is one thing, but dude, in training? WTF?! Firebreaks, safeguards, whatever, how about some common damn sense? I get it though, sounds like the poor sap was set up for failure and chose poorly in the end… hero to zero when he armed up and squeezed the trigger! Now that right there was some good ole buffoonery at the highest levels!

So his father, who made it to 3 stars, shot down a friendly over Vietnam... this gentleman shot down a friendly and was selected for his star....maybe they are onto something here... hmm, when is our next missile shoot and who wants to be my wingman!


It depends...will getting shot down by my own wingman get me a star too? I mean, I'm only an Ens but I do like to invest in my future!


Well-Known Member
So is it not possible for someone to fuck up (even big time) and then go on to redeem themselves?

Or is this guy forever a loser because he's a lawyer and once had a big time fuck up of his own...?


Ex-Rhino driver
So is it not possible for someone to fuck up (even big time) and then go on to redeem themselves?

Or is this guy forever a loser because he's a lawyer and once had a big time fuck up of his own...?

I think my biggest issue is how bad the fuck up was. This event shows complete lack of common sense. I don't care if he had 10 hours in a jet, common sense says you don't shoot down a fellow American.

So I think I understand now. Get drunk and mouth off and hurt someone's feelings: Get fired. Give some guy a callsign that hurts his feelings: Get fired. Make some videos that hurt some of the ships companies feelings: Get fired............

Pull out a gun and shoot at a shipmate because I thought someone told me to do it. PROMOTED TO ADMIRAL. What if I dropped a 1000 pounder on some spec ops guys in Fallon because I thought they were really, really bad guys? I'd get hung. And it would be well deserved.


Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong: I definitely see the inconsistencies between this situation and other comparatively minor incidents that have ended careers, and I get that's where a lot of the "WTF?" is coming from...