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This pic didn't last long on CNN's headline...


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
CNN had an article front page just now on Clinton's "victory" in Puerto Rico.

This image was first up:


It was quickly replaced by this one:


I'm sure someone complained...


Alright...mods, if this is out of bounds, feel free to delete. I don't have a dog in this hunt, not voting for either...and I'll keep my comments appropriate.

Why is Hillary Clinton still in this race? She will not be the nominee...what is she hoping to acomplish? Of course she needs to exit "appropriately" to ensure she keeps her political base intact for a future run...but she has gone well beyond that point IMHO.

Another great example of the Democratic party hanging itself. I truly believed that this was their Presidency to lose, and they are trying like hell.


Super Moderator
Why is Hillary Clinton still in this race? She will not be the nominee...what is she hoping to acomplish? Of course she needs to exit "appropriately" to ensure she keeps her political base intact for a future run...but she has gone well beyond that point IMHO.

My guess, she and her husband have worked so long and hard to get back to the Presidency that she does not want to give up her one last (probably) and best chance at it.

To be so close (it is a remarkably close race, even towards the end) and yet not quite there, it must be maddeningly frustrating to someone who has spent their entire adult life in politics.


Well-Known Member
By including Michigan and Florida, she can say that she has won a higher number of the popular vote and has only a slight deficit in delegates, which is why she thinks that she still has a good case with the superdelegates.

Besides, at this point, they have all spent so much money and gotten so close - why quit when you still have a chance.


Besides, at this point, they have all spent so much money and gotten so close - why quit when you still have a chance.

Ummm...cause you don't have a chance?

You know... I hear her making the popular vote argument etc...but it rings pretty hollow. First of all...popular vote totals aren't recorded "per se" in states with caucuses (sp?) so those results are questionable... She loses the popular vote without Florida and Michigan...Obama wasn't even on the Michigan ballot and agreed not to contest Florida. Even including those results...she is maybe 300k ahead...out of 35 or so million. Hardly the landslide majority.

Finally...its a primary...we're not counting "popular" votes.

Like I said, I don't have a horse in this race, but I really can't make a logical argument that says Clinton can, or should, win.


Well-Known Member
Jackass said:
Anyone ever read that webpage about all of the deaths that have occurred around the Clintons? It's pretty phony but interesting nonetheless. I'll see if I can find it.

That's about as legitimate as saying "Anyone ever read that webpage about how George W. Bush planned 9/11 and it was a giant conspiracy? It's pretty phony but interesting nonetheless". Perpetual reference to such obvious tin foil hat garbage is what starts and fuels mindless rumors with no basis in reality (Obama being a Muslim is another one that comes to mind).

This isn't intended to be a jab at you Jackass, it's just a huge pet peeve of mine and I feel like airing my grievances...even though it's not festivus yet :D.


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
Realistically Senator Clinton does have a chance. The numbers are fairly close, close enough that a few more months of campaigning might make the difference at the DNC, since Senator Obama is unlikely to get the delegates he needs to clinch the nom before then, though he is very close. Steadily the polls have been turning on Senator Obama in certain key demographics (specifically white women). A few months ago Senator Obama was more electable than Senator Clinton when running against Senator McCain. Those numbers have changed some, more in favor of Senator Clinton. But the poll movement could go back the other way soon. Right now much of the movement towards Clinton is due to the perception that the media and Senator Obama's supporters are beating up on her for her...mis-truths.

Whether you like either candidate or not, the race is close and she has every right to stay in.

That is a great picture BTW.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
By staying in I believe she is hurting the democratic party's chance at the White House. A nasty schism in her own party is evident.

As a republican however, I'm quite content to watch her and Barak continue to go at it in public.


Solidly part of the 42%.
She's trying to make a point. She is barking up a certain tree in her party. I have no idea what point she is trying to make or whether it is being made, but that's the only thing that I can think of other than trying to cause enormous pressure to make her the VP, because somebody who is as smart as she allegedly is would have to know she doesn't really have a snowball's chance in Hell.


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
Read this today, and I think it's pretty interesting (and true).

Interesting article. Lots of foot-in-mouth stuff. I think we see this a lot from public figures. Certainly our current president is no exception and neither are Senator Clinton or Senator McCain - who have both said stupid things. Even the revered Ronald Regan (who I personally believe was one of the best leaders we have ever had) made his share of dumb comments.

The author clearly does not like Senator Obama, which is fine by me. But she chooses to focus on those dumb things he said, as if were the only one to say something stupid. You could find an identical article somewhere about each of the other candidates, undoubtedly.

I'm not throwing out support for Senator Obama or anyone else, just poking at Mrs. Malkin's musings.