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This pic didn't last long on CNN's headline...


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Why is Hillary Clinton still in this race? She will not be the nominee...what is she hoping to acomplish?


1) She has a huge entourage that is beyond loyal and other supporters dumping cash her way. Many in her entourage are paid to be there so do you think they will say "Hang it up, homegirl"? I think they'll be motivated to keep it going as long as possible and then hope to transition to a job in her administration.

2) That brings us to her advisors who may be hoping that Obama may end up with an unrecoverable "fault" (ie backlash from affiliation with Wright, etc.). Publicly, they say she has better shot at beating McCain although many say opposite is true. They can't say they are betting on the Come line that Obama will stumble and not be able to get up before Democratic Convention putting her in position for her party to rally aeound her. I have no doubt her posse is working overtime to find something to feed the media to cause such a situation for Obama. Politics at its best!

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
I believe her arguments go something like:
1. (this is assuming you massage the numbers sufficiently) Won more of the popular vote
2. Won states critical in the General by large margins (CA, OH, FL, MI, NY)
3. Obama's voters would vote Dem anyway, while Hill wins more moderates, independants, and "Reagan Democrats" - i.e., blue-collar white folks and social liberals but defense hawks; thus, she's the better candidate for the General against McCain.

I think point 1 requires a leap of faith and creative counting, but she may actually have an argument with points 2 and 3. The fact that Hill just can't realistically win the nomination at this point, yet is still winning primaries, means the Dems will face a train wreck in the General and don't see it coming. Obama has a lot of problems with the Dem base, the unions, Hispanic voters and the South. Now a lot of the Clinton loyalists and hardcore feminists are pissed off at him, too...not that they'll vote for McCain, but they can withhold money and just stay home in November. The Dems are going to make the same mistake they made in 2004, assuming that no one will vote Republican because of the "toxic brand" thing, as if the choice is "Republican candidate" and "Other". They keep forgetting that Presidential races are personal. You have to sell electorate on your candidate, and they have to like and trust him. Otherwise they'll either vote for the guy they do like or just stay home.

Of course, the cynical argument would be she's staying in the race because otherwise she'll have to pay off the enormous debt she's running. Not to mention the gargantuan sense of entitlement. Deep down, I think she just can't accept that Obama's going to win the nomination, because she's smarter, more experienced and it's my turn, dammit!

PS: Incidentally, i don't know for a fact that the Tracy Flick character in "Election" was inspired by Hillary Clinton. But it would't surprise me. To whit: "You might think it upset me that Paul Metzler had decided to run against me but nothing could be further from the truth. He was no competition for me; it was like apples and oranges. I had to work a little harder, that's all, see I believe in the voters; they understand that elections aren't just popularity contests, they know this country was built by people just like me who work very hard and don't have everything handed to them on a silver spoon. Not like some rich kids who everybody likes because their fathers owns Metzlers cement and give them trucks on their 16th birthday and throw them big parties all the time. No, they don't ever have to work for anything. They think they can just all of a sudden one day out of the blue waltz right in with no qualifications what's so ever and try to take away what other people have worked very, very hard for their entire lives. No, it didn't bother me at all."


Enjoying the real world
It isn't that far outside the realm of possibility that Senator Obama says/does something stupid/akward/embarassing enough to push the super-delegates back towards Clinton. And while my guess would be that anything sufficiently politically damaging (i.e. his former reverend) would have come out already by now, he did enter this competition as a relative unknown and there could be a "July Surprise" that brings her back in.

Also, she has loaned her campaign quite a bit of money - while they have plenty I am sure she wouldn't mind getting some of that back. (I have no idea if she can pay it back later from Senate campaign funds - in which case that wouldn't be an issue).


Well-Known Member
Just saw this in the ads above:


I know the answer to that one... Anyone else? ;)


Well-Known Member
Yup. He was the speaker at my brother-in-law's graduation from USNA in '93. He started the speach with "I was fifth from the bottom of my Naval Academy class..." He also came for a Snoreistall when I was there, and he regaled us with entertaining stories of going over the wall and other shenanigans (that happened only after he got through his speech, it was during the question and answer phase that it came up).


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Lets put this in "candidatespeak".....

So you're saying he just missed being in "the top 50 in his class?"
What the spin doctors don't reveal is he missed by 844.


Registered User
Alright...mods, if this is out of bounds, feel free to delete. I don't have a dog in this hunt, not voting for either...and I'll keep my comments appropriate.

Why is Hillary Clinton still in this race? She will not be the nominee...what is she hoping to acomplish? Of course she needs to exit "appropriately" to ensure she keeps her political base intact for a future run...but she has gone well beyond that point IMHO.

Simple: She does not want Obama to win. If Barry wins the White House, it will be 8 years until Hillary can run again. Politics will have passed her by at that point. If a republican wins, she can run again in 2012.


Registered User
Just saw this in the ads above:


I know the answer to that one... Anyone else? ;)

So is that how the Dems are going to come after Sen. McCain?? By questioning his mental prowess because he liked to party a little bit as a Middy??


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
By staying in I believe she is hurting the democratic party's chance at the White House. A nasty schism in her own party is evident.

As a republican however, I'm quite content to watch her and Barak continue to go at it in public.

Rush Limbaugh calls this Operation Chaos and takes partial credit for its success.


Registered User
Say what you want to about Rush and his dittoheads, but his political acumen is pretty uncanny. I don't think there can be any doubt that Chaos has had its intended effect. It was never about trying to get Hillary because she would be the easier candidate to defeat in November. It was about watching the DNC bleed itself to death....and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


Super Moderator
Rush Limbaugh calls this Operation Chaos and takes partial credit for its success.

I think he gives himself too much credit, smacks of self-indulgent ego-stroking to me.

P.S. I thought McCain wasn't conservative enough for him, or did he flip-flop?


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
As this has become (much to my surprise) a well thought out non-flame throwing thread on how our election is shaping up...anyone care to come up with a new thread name?