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This pic didn't last long on CNN's headline...


Registered User
I think he gives himself too much credit, smacks of self-indulgent ego-stroking to me.

P.S. I thought McCain wasn't conservative enough for him, or did he flip-flop?

The number of republicans that showed up to vote in the democrat primary are the largest in history. Rush is no stranger to self-indulgent ego stroking, but the numbers back him up in this case.

McCain is not conservative enough for him. He still has to pick from the list of 2 just like everyone else. McCain is a lot closer to Rush's views than Barry is.


Super Moderator
The number of republicans that showed up to vote in the democrat primary are the largest in history. Rush is no stranger to self-indulgent ego stroking, but the numbers back him up in this case.

McCain is not conservative enough for him. He still has to pick from the list of 2 just like everyone else. McCain is a lot closer to Rush's views than Barry is.

The primary participation has been the largest in history, period. Show me a large percentage increase of participating Republicans, then maybe I will start to give him a little credit.

Most likely a moot point anyways, Senator Obama is the likely nominee and there is little Senator Clinton can do about it. Look for the vast majority of the remaining superdelegates, including Senator Reid, Represenative Pelosi and Vice President Gore, to throw their support behind Senator Obama this week. From everythign I have read and thier recent statements, look fo rit to happen. Barring something drastic, I think it is game over for Senator Clinton.

He sure has a funny way of rooting for his 'pick'.



Super Moderator
p.s. I suspect that the Obama campaign will either pay off a good chunk of her campaign's 31 million dollar debt or offer her a cabinet position....but not Veep, Michelle won't go for that.

I agree, shockingly enough.


Registered User
I agree, shockingly enough.

Cats and Dogs living together...It will be complete anarchy!

I'm guessing she could be offered either Health and Human Services or the AG slot?? Who knows what kind of back room drug deals are going on.


Well-Known Member
I think he gives himself too much credit, smacks of self-indulgent ego-stroking to me.

P.S. I thought McCain wasn't conservative enough for him, or did he flip-flop?

There are no other pragmatic choices left.

Clearly he is opposed to Senators Clinton and Obama, so who else should he support?

I am guessing that Bob Barr isn't quite viable enough to be an option - therefore, it's time to hop on the McCain bandwagon or just admit complete defeat for the GOP this go around (hardly an option for a political pundit).


Registered User
Everytime I see think of Bob Barr.... I can't stop thinking of milk of glorious Kazahk women.


Registered User
There are no other pragmatic choices left.

Clearly he is opposed to Senators Clinton and Obama, so who else should he support?

I am guessing that Bob Barr isn't quite viable enough to be an option - therefore, it's time to hop on the McCain bandwagon or just admit complete defeat for the GOP this go around (hardly an option for a political pundit).

Rush's career took off right around 1992. And l will tell you that Bill Clinton was a money machine for the Republican fund raising apparatus.


Drill baby drill!
CNN changes headline again....

Just a few minutes ago their headline read something along the lines of "According to AP officials, Clinton to concede delegate race tonight"...... While on the TV, CNN was saying the exact opposite. A few minutes later the change to the website was made.... It's hilarious watching them backtrack.


Former SWO
By including Michigan and Florida, she can say that she has won a higher number of the popular vote and has only a slight deficit in delegates, which is why she thinks that she still has a good case with the superdelegates.

Besides, at this point, they have all spent so much money and gotten so close - why quit when you still have a chance.

Because realistically she doesn't have a chance. Supers are coming out daily in droves for Obama and she only holds the popular vote by her estimates if you include *all* of the popular vote in FL/MI for her and if you exclude the caucuses (which she does) where Obama dominated the most. Essentially every other organization puts Obama ahead by their numbers. To those of us closely following it, this race has been over since March.