The REASON why most of the screwups are from academy grads is because academy grads make up most Naval Officers in A-pool, particularly the months following graduation, summertime, which is when a lot of screwups tend to happen too.
I'd be curious to see what PERCENTAGE of OCS/ROTC/Academy kids screw up. It's probably a lot closer than what we expect given the Academy kids screwing up.
Seriously, it's fun to poke fun at the Academy kids, but they aren't all shitbags and if you keep alienating yourself from them by thinking you're better than them (particularly OCS guys) you're just going to be "that guy" that always tells OCS stories that no one wants to hang with. I get it. I was the nood OCS dude who thought Academy guys were shitbags. You'll get over it. And if you don't, then you're probably going to be reading this thread on a saturday night while all the rest of us are out getting drunk and chasing skirt because none of the "shitbags" called you to go out.
And this isn't JUST to jt, but ALL the OCS (and ROTC) guys who feel this way/
/reformed elitist out