A Gunny tried to square me away once while I was in civilian clothes (hadn't shaved in a week while on leave) at the Kbay Exchange. He did it very publicly, and needless to say it didn't end well for him.
We were aboard the Indy, mid winter, trying to get some pilots qualed and having a tough time of it, the weather was not cooperating.
This DET we had a LDO who was O in C. Easy gig for him, seasoned deck crew, great CPO?s, a cake walk. It took us forever to get it done because of the weather. Our deck crew worked around the clock, pilots were worked to a frazzle, but we got it done, day and night traps, it just took a bit longer than everyone expected. The Indy wanted rid of us, our squadron wanted us off the ship, we were all glad to see this end.
Anyway, the O in C dressed me down for a shoeshine. Here, I have been going 'round the clock, eating and sleeping when I can, and I'm getting crap about my flight deckers! (I should mention here that I was attached to the AO shop, been requested, and went on this DET as a PC due to a squadron shortage of experienced plane captains.)
I'm not going to mention names, some of the older guys here know who I'm talking about, Chief "B" took LT. "Y" aside and explained a few things to him, quietly. It ended nicely we all settled in and watched a movie in the ready room that evening.
The Yuma DET when I was written up... well Walt, Derf, Busybee604, that's another story.