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Tomcats really gone for good


Well-Known Member
Our enemies and allies change fairly quickly. Some of Iran doesn't like us, some of Iran does. I'm willing to bet most of Iran couldn't care less, as long as their families get fed and their children are safe.

Same could be said for the Soviets, East Germans, etc during the cold war. Not selling them weapons was a good idea.

Now I can understand not giving them parts after the whole Brit episode and some of the other endeavors that the current regime has undertaken. But there was a time when Iran was fairly Western in thought and practice. I don't see it as being so cut and dry or black and white as you do. Then again, I don't have a security clearance.

Why would you provide ANY military aide to a hostile regime? Why? We are NOT that hurting for money. We would likely clear less than the cost of ONE F-22 by selling parts.

So, let's get into some hypothetical scenarios: We sell Iran some parts and make some money. They decide to take after a C-130, E-3, E-2, C-2, kc-130, (insert some airplane without much defense BFM capabilities). I'm will to bet there is some type of CAP flight pretty damn close, and then the fight is over. If they do use them against us, or our allies we have more than the ability to destroy their Air Force whether it's on the ground or in the Air. (Hell, the Israelis would probably do it for us.)

As someone who has flown a few "defenseless" aircraft within sight of Iran, I would prefer the majority of their F-14s are broke. Just becase daddy's a Colonel, does not mean you know JACK about how shit works over there.. You are quite flatly assuming too much, and talking out your ass.

It's like selling someone a rock while you have a gun to their head. You give them a chance to work with you, and if they screw it up you blow their brains out through the back of their head.

You wanna take the risk your gun misfires and they bash your freaking brains out? I don't.

Fly an unarmed aircraft within a potential WEZ and get back to me on your theory..

Oh and guys, please, try not to simply jump to the conclusion that I am an idiot. I see a lot of that flying around this board as compared to some of the others I belong to wrt the military and flying. I'm simply trying to discuss some points here and maybe learn something.

Based on what I cand deduce from your ideas on tech and tactics, you wanna fly, ride dad's coattails on into the USAF and fly your F-22 WunderPlane. You have already been drinking the proper Koolaid.


Super Moderator
Any Viper, Eagle or Hornet driver worth their salt wouldn't have much troubles with the Iranian AF. (As we all know, any gomer can fight and win in a Raptor)......

.....Then again, I don't have a security clearance......

......I'm will to bet there is some type of CAP flight pretty damn close, and then the fight is over. If they do use them against us, or our allies we have more than the ability to destroy their Air Force whether it's on the ground or in the Air. (Hell, the Israelis would probably do it for us.).....

........Oh and guys, please, try not to simply jump to the conclusion that I am an idiot. I see a lot of that flying around this board as compared to some of the others I belong to wrt the military and flying.

The above statements show that you know little, if anything, about the subject. Instead of making broad assumptions based on what you have read on the in aviation mags or other boards on the internet, I would advise you to heed the words of those on the board who have seen Iran from the air and have access to classified material. It might save you from being accused of being an idiot on this board, as compared to other boards that might be kinder or more gullible.......;)


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
I'm simply trying to discuss some points here and maybe learn something.

Really? I think you are a troll.

And shame on me for wasting my time, but I can't help it here.

Rest assured, older, lower-tech, even obsolete weapons systems can kill, and have. I have seen it. And unique tactics, excessive numbers, good coordination, multiple surface and air threats, jamming, decoys, subterfuge, confusion, fog of war etc. are great force multipliers for the bad guys. It makes little difference the missile rushing towards you – it's launch platform, its age, its technology, or whatever – it gets your attention regardless of your supposed superlative vehicle and weapon system. And if it hits you – and some do and will - whatever platform fired it, is then of no consequence.

Never underestimate any enemy. But especially, the Persians. Do you not know their history as warriors? I have been in Iran. I have been on their airbases. I have seen their military infrastructure. I have an Iranian friend in this country that has incredible personal war stories from the 8-year, "Sacred Defense" war. These people are not to be taken lightly, nor are their "ancient" but deadly, F-14's, along with more layers of their air defenses.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Joe is wise to the old IR only threat.

Yea, verily!...as well as the threat of a strip launched older fighter that has been upgraded with an HMD and off off boresight SRM as the Romanian Lancer. Just one of those popping up where you least expect it could ruin a lot of people's day. Nobody wants to be the Scott O'Grady of the air.



Annoying Pre-BDCP Guy
Excuse my ignorance but...
Doesn't the F-14 have Phoenix missiles and longer range radar than the Hornet? I imagine that would suck for our pilots.


Yea, verily!
... I only know you through a friend of a friend, but I know you know your shi*! A very few ppl are known within the entire community and you're one.

MOD Note: The authenticity of this poster has been challenged due to irregularities in posts and misleading responses to mod queries as well as pattern of behavior similiar to known poser "Snort"

Single Seat

Average member
Excuse my ignorance but...
Doesn't the F-14 have Phoenix missiles and longer range radar than the Hornet? I imagine that would suck for our pilots.

It's not that simple, and getting into the realm that can't be discussed on here, or with you. But to answer your question, it concerns me in no way.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
... I only know you through a friend of a friend, but I know you know your shi*! A very few ppl are known within the entire community and you're one. But, don't get a big head. ;)

LOL, I do wear an occasional big watch, but let others do the big head thing. I put my pants on just like anyone else and am fine with that. :icon_smil


Registered User
What MB is saying and I agree with is you should wait until you go exposed to more of the tactical and policy side of thing before you debate policy in public. If you want to do that, try Strategypage.com. They'll debate with you for days.

No kidding.

One of my friends reads that crapola in his spare time, and knowing I'm applying to Navy OCS showed me this interesting link during a work break:
4th post down...

According to him "displacedjim" claims to be an AF Intel O-5/6(?)...

If the Air Force thinks that way about the Navy, what do they think about themselves? :confused:


Registered User
Too Much! You all are way over thinking the retirement. Very simple, $$$$$$...

Not even the U.S. Navy or Bill Gates can afford to fly and maintain them! What on earth could make you think a third world country could even come close to having the resources ie., dollars for parts, maintainers etc?

Ridiculous thread.