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Tomcats really gone for good

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
One of my friends reads that crapola in his spare time, and knowing I'm applying to Navy OCS showed me this interesting link during a work break:
4th post down...

According to him "displacedjim" claims to be an AF Intel O-5/6(?)...

If the Air Force thinks that way about the Navy, what do they think about themselves? :confused:
This part of that post is my favorite:

"Also, Naval Operations staff needs to be mainly comprised of Army officers. In fact, it would probably be best for CNO to be an Army four-star, preferably with extensive Infantry or Armor and corps-level command experience. That way officers who actually know what its like to fight wars can make sure the Navy provides effective support to the warfighters."

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
... I only know you through a friend of a friend, but I know you know your shi*! A very few ppl are known within the entire community and you're one. But, don't get a big head. ;)
Hey now, you're talking about a man who can drive down the highway at 90 in traffic and still post on AW using his Blackberry. Few men can do that. He can have a big head if he wants. :D


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
This part of that post is my favorite:

"Also, Naval Operations staff needs to be mainly comprised of Army officers. In fact, it would probably be best for CNO to be an Army four-star, preferably with extensive Infantry or Armor and corps-level command experience. That way officers who actually know what its like to fight wars can make sure the Navy provides effective support to the warfighters."

What a great idea! Surprised nobody else thought of it! So good, I think USAF should jump back in bed with Army as well. No more interservice squabbles. Where do we get such men?


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Hey now, you're talking about a man who can drive down the highway at 90 in traffic and still post on AW using his Blackberry. Few men can do that. He can have a big head if he wants. :D

I have used Blackberry in traffic as Steve attests (he has followed me and caught me in the act), but did I hit 90?


I tried reading that strategypage thing...but it hurt so much. Kinda like watching The Office.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
I tried reading that strategypage thing...but it hurt so much. Kinda like watching The Office.

It's Rant City and full of over-opinionated Euro types (especially one French character) and other armchair experts...I visited a long time ago after finding it on a Google search. Haven't missed it at all.


Cereal Killer
Ok guys calm down, the basic premise was that I don't believe the Iranians could put up much of a fight, even with their full fleet of f-14s at a mission capable rate.

As far as those Adversary F-5s go: If the Navy Adversary squadrons are anything like the AF Aggressor squadrons, they are well trained top pilots. Could the Iranians train their pilots to fly at that level? Maybe, but I'd put my paycheck on no.

Perhaps I'm performing a cardinal sin and underestimating the enemy, but from what I have seen and heard (and I'm not talking about about the internet here) I don't think Iran could compete with our Legacy fighters, much less the new 4.5 and the 5th gen stuff that is/will be coming off of the line.

Cat has some good points that I really didn't think through too much before I just fired off an unresearched post.Touche.

as far as the rest of it goes, I post every now and then on f-16.net and I'll browse wantscheck.com. I can't stand armchair quarterbacks as much as anyone else. I haven't drank the AF, ANG or Navy kool-aid yet. I haven't really been exposed to the Navy prior to getting a job as the Sailing pro for the NOB marina. (in fact, I could never get the straight talk on the Navy until recently) I really can't stand the Active Duty AF, and would much rather have a slot with an ANG unit, but I'm finding I like the Navy also.

Ok fellas, you're cleared hot, go ahead and roll in.


Well-Known Member
I post every now and then on f-16.net

Well there is your first problem.

Yeah I browse that site, but I stopped posting a long time ago. So did most of the actual pilots. Now its just full of people that want to slam on the Rhino and talk about the Block 60 F-16 and Raptor as if they are the second coming.


Airborne All the Way!!!
Ok guys calm down, the basic premise was that I don't believe the Iranians could put up much of a fight, even with their full fleet of f-14s at a mission capable rate.

As far as those Adversary F-5s go: If the Navy Adversary squadrons are anything like the AF Aggressor squadrons, they are well trained top pilots. Could the Iranians train their pilots to fly at that level? Maybe, but I'd put my paycheck on no.

Perhaps I'm performing a cardinal sin and underestimating the enemy, but from what I have seen and heard (and I'm not talking about about the internet here) I don't think Iran could compete with our Legacy fighters, much less the new 4.5 and the 5th gen stuff that is/will be coming off of the line.

You're forgetting that the Iranian Air Force saw combat against Iraq for almost 10 years, so there are veteran pilots in their ranks.


Cereal Killer
Well there is your first problem.

Yeah I browse that site, but I stopped posting a long time ago. So did most of the actual pilots. Now its just full of people that want to slam on the Rhino and talk about the Block 60 F-16 and Raptor as if they are the second coming.

I don't post too often anymore, hence why I found my way here. You do speak the truth about the pilots leaving (my old man being one of them). Though the Raptor is pretty incredible, it can be beaten, they did lose one in Red Flag.

But some of that slamming is to be expected, after all, what does the Navy think of the Viper et all?


Super Moderator
You fight with one hand tied behind your back. AF Brass wanted congress to see a real need for more than 6 squadrons worth of the F-22, so they created one.

Don't believe everything you read on the open internet.......:eek:


Super Moderator
I have used Blackberry in traffic as Steve attests (he has followed me and caught me in the act), but did I hit 90?

I certainly hope there is a resonable explanation for Steve following you...... Don't ask.......? ;)