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too old to fly

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500 ft. from said obstacle
You CAN NOT and WILL NOT be a Naval Aviator in the Navy or Marine Corps and I'm pretty sure you can't be an AF pilot either. Move on.

Seriously, have some tact there Otto. Yeah he many not be able to go fly, but don't be "that guy". Before you got commissioned you bitched at people that would do this to you. hindsight is 20/20 isn't it? In your case its more like 20/200.



loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
Seriously, have some tact there Otto. Yeah he many not be able to go fly, but don't be "that guy". Before you got commissioned you bitched at people that would do this to you. hindsight is 20/20 isn't it? In your case its more like 20/200.


I see no problem with this. It's the truth, if people can't handle that then they need to take a good look in the mirror. Simply because someone doesn't like an answer doesn't make it any less true. I would rather have the simple truth than somebody trying to throw rainbows up my ass and make everything sound pretty.


500 ft. from said obstacle
This had more to do with the background of someone, and less to do with the OP's question.

IMO a little more tact, or a response that offer's an alternative or additional option (such as Brett's) is far more professional. I consider myself to be extremely fortunate to be where I am, its a privelage. When you're super harsh on someone when you don't really need to be, it seems like you're taking that for granted. /2c
this had more to do with the background of someone, and less to do with the op's question.

Imo a little more tact, or a response that offer's an alternative or additional option (such as brett's) is far more professional. I consider myself to be extremely fortunate to be where i am, its a privelage. When you're super harsh on someone when you don't really need to be, it seems like you're taking that for granted. /2c



New Member
What about nfo, assuming I get my scores up? I hear the age limit is 30. Also, I don't mean to piss anyone off, and I don't waste my recruiter's time. When ever I hear something useful I just shoot him a single email to ask if it's true. If he doesn't answer I don't inquire. I'm very respectful of people who dodge bullets for my freedom and I hope you all don't feel disrespected.


New Member
Well if you're 28 and NFO age req. is 30 then I'd say go for it. You're still in an aircraft afterall.


Well-Known Member
I basically stated the same thing Brett did, only I was a little more "direct" or "harsh". I just wanted to clarify for the OP to keep him from grasping at straws. How else should we say it? It IS NOT going to happen. He's a non-prior and too old. That's IT. DONE. I don't see how that makes me take my SNA slot for granted at all.

Just want to make sure the OP isn't confused about his plight and go waste his own and a recruiter's time. I am not stating anything about the OP's character or whatever. I'm sure he's a swell guy. Just clarifying. If he wants to pursue another designator with a higher age requirement, such as NFO, SWO, INTEL or whatever, god bless him and good luck. Just saying pilot is out of the question.


Ohhhh, yes …. me too, me too …. and thank all of you who put up caring and sharing opinions ... +1, +1, +1 …. And XOXOXOXOXOXOXO, too ….

Am I too old to fly???

I would really, really like to crack the 25,000 hour mark before I go into the Home and take up Acey-Ducey and Bridge full time … but I wanted to see what you all think ….

I have two degrees and will get another one online if you think that would help. I have prior service, prior dis-service, and have flown for the past 40+ years, give or take, and had very few accidents and/or incidents. Even fewer in an airplane ….

I’ve talked with Navy, Marine, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard recruiters, and quite frankly, the only ones who gave me any encouragement were the Salvation Army recruiters.

While I am not a practicing homosexual I do think the world would be a much better, more caring place if everyone was so inclined. I am pro-gender neutrality and DO NOT think there is anything wrong with the so-called practice of cross-dressing, as I enjoy the comforts of a nice pair of Capri pants and high heels when baking manicotti or making a fresh arugula salad.

I recently moved out of the crawl space under my Mother’s house as she refused to get wireless internet. I am now splitting my time between the parking lots of the local Wal-Mart and Target and the public library. The Ford Econoline is fully fueled at all times and ready to relocate at a moment’s notice.

I am in generally good physical condition, do not walk with a pronounced limp, and only have the occasional old man’s hair growing out of my ears. I broke my back for the third time last year and just recently blew out my ACL and PCL. My eyesight is still keen, but I have noticed a slight tendency lately to blink rapidly when interviewed or questioned about any alleged auto erotic behavior. I only shit myself once a week ….. :eek:

Ooops …. Make that twice a week. LOL, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol ..... whatever that means ... it's just jake with me. :sleep_125

Don’t crush my dreams. Tell me I have a chance at Navy Aviation or I’ll keep on asking until I get the answer I want to hear.

Soooooooooooooo .... What’s the score?? Who’s on first… ???

Am I too old to fly??? :eek::eek::eek::eek:


Registered User
I'm 28 also, and I was 27 the day I walked into the Army recruiters' office and I'm now an Army Warrant Officer. The Army recruiter is jacking you around about having to be an E-4, but he is right about OCS, Commissioned guys don't get garuntees about their branch, unless you volunteer for Infantry, Armor, Field Artillery or Air Defense Artillery. I know some LTs that went to OCS are in Flight training here, they'll tell you they got lucky because they already had VALIDflight physicals and AFAST scores the day they showed up at Benning. I know guys that are in their early 30's without a degree that went through WOCS with me. As I understand it you can be a Navy NFO up until 30, but I didn't go that route and there are others here that are the experts not me. If you want to fly go see and Army recruiter tell them you want to do the WOFT (Warrant Officer Flight Training) program, don't let them jack you around, you will have to stay on top of the recruiter. It will take a few months to get you physicals and the paperwork done, then you turn in your packet, go to an interview and wait, if excepted you'll be sent to Fort Benning for Basic training (about 9 weeks plus a week of inprocessing. You do this if you go to OCS too.) then head to Fort Rucker for WOCS (One week, ideally, could be far more of inprocessing and a six week course) then you head onto flight school. If you really want to fly and be an O-1 try the National Guard, they told me they would promise you a platoon leader position, guarantee your aircraft and send you to Basic and OCS.


sure thing
sentiments to Cooda0. You don't have to go enlisted to ensure you get to fly school. Applying for WOCS is your best bet, because then if you don't get in, you don't have to sign the contract. The best benefit about being a warrant officer, is that you get to fly alot more and alot longer than commissioned officers.


is clara ship
So Invertedflyer... read A4s post again and tell me why you gave me negative rep? I think we're done here, and I just gave A4s rep.

Just do a search for some of inverted's early posts and you will feel better

(only giving you a hard time inverted, but I had to say it :) )


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Ok this thread now sucks. Can a Mod please lock it? The OP definitely got his answer: and it's no.

Can you pedestrian AW users please stop asking the Mods to close every other fucking thread already? For the love of God, I'm going to start smiting people who ask for that from now on - fair warning. :icon_rage



Well-Known Member
Can you pedestrian AW users please stop asking the Mods to close every other fucking thread already? For the love of God, I'm going to start smiting people who ask for that from now on - fair warning. :icon_rage


Cool! It's the new "What %" question!
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