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Too pretty to fly? - SWA


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Holy crap, the brunette should have stayed with the still picture, like the blonde did. She looks passable in the snapshot, but well below average on video. The blonde looks pretty decent--on the stills.

Southwest has been pretty wacky with the dress code, especially since they used to be the "fun" airline. Nevertheless, these girls were discriminated against for being cvnts, not for being pretty.


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
While both are fairly solidly in the "1" category, neither one is anywhere near "too pretty to fly" or close to whatever level of cuteness they think they're at. Silly self-absorbed, vapid cunts.


While both are fairly solidly in the "1" category, neither one is anywhere near "too pretty to fly" or close to whatever level of cuteness they think they're at. Silly self-absorbed, vapid cunts.

You're on the binary system too?


Well-Known Member
There is the 10 scale, which is an outgrowth of the binary system expressing how much alcohol is needed to make them 1s.


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
Those girls just need spankings. I'll take care of that for them, just to speed things along.

Def 1's.

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
There are other systems?

There are no other systems. You know this. MB's insight into alcohol required to achieve a 1 status is factored in to the equation. The only time a 0 is warranted is when the alcohol required to achieve 1 status is in excess of the tolerance of the individual to maintain consiousness and/or ability to properly function.

End of lesson. Carry on.


is clara ship
The blonde one is pretty cute I’ll give that to her. Although let the record show that she was only interviewed by phone and chose a picture of herself instead of going the live tv interview, this could possibly be a sign. The first one is not cute at all and brings up one my biggest concerns with girls, many believe in hot by association. Just because your friends with the really cute girl doesn’t change the fact that your still 30lbs over weight and have a busted face. In closing I would just like to say that the worst thing for the ugly one to do is to hang out with the hot girl because it only makes the cute one better looking and makes you look even worse.

+1....though even the blonde looks kinda fugly in the other pics they show of her.


Life is Gouda
just watched the video... what the hell is that thing growing out of the brunettes face??? get that friggin thing removed for chrissake!