Complete….also completed Derivative Classification and SAPR GMT.Don't forget Insider Threat, OpSec, and InfoSec training.
Complete….also completed Derivative Classification and SAPR GMT.Don't forget Insider Threat, OpSec, and InfoSec training.
Ahem.. how about your DON records management annual training? Do the LSs have your current air card and ethics training certificates on file too?Complete….also completed Derivative Classification and SAPR GMT.
Not to be confused with the training and statement of understanding required for your government charge cardAhem.. how about your DON records management annual training? Do the LSs have your current air card and ethics training certificates on file too?
There's a special place in hell for you. ?Ha! I'm still required to take the Records Management training at my agency, even though I wrote it.
Replace Tom Hanks with Dolph Lundgren or Jet Li and you’ve got yourself an action movie.TG2 subplot: Tom Hanks will make a cameo as an old, wizened, former adversary pilot with almost mythical status in the fighter community. According to legend, he would fly shirtless with only his lucky volleyball and his dogtags. Once during an exercise, he went below the hard deck to take the shot, but by doing that he hit the real deck. He somehow survived the impact but there was almost nothing left of the plane. SAR couldn't find him and he had to spend months in the wilderness (survival kit was nowhere to be found and you can't do much with a volleyball and dogtags). In the end he was finally found by hikers, but he was never the same after that.
(Because that's how it goes for Tom Hanks in every aviation movie...)
"I've seen thingsReplace Tom Hanks with Dolph Lundgren or Jet Li and you’ve got yourself an action movie.
Not required for my contract….??Ahem.. how about your DON records management annual training? Do the LSs have your current air card and ethics training certificates on file too?
God, that one was brutal . . . . .Complete….also completed Derivative Classification and SAPR GMT.
At this rate Maverick will be flying the next generation F-42 joint strike/electronic/vstol/asw/asuw/space capable/submersible/fighter called the Hellcat.
“Top Corn”In the theater yesterday . . .