Really? The "lottery", huh?? How would you know ??? This is a classic example of why most of you should refrain from mouthing meaningless statistics in a vain attempt to make a meaningless point about which you know ... nothing. Try to minimize the meaningless statements that you will surely make in life.You have a better chance of winning the lottery then being attacked by a shark. There's plenty of other sh!t to worry about. ...
When I was 10 years old --- a friend of mine ---20 yards away --- was hit and killed by a shark @ Kailua Beach in the Territory. Took his leg off @ the knee. We hauled him up on the beach where he died.
There were six of us sharing two boards. He was waiting his turn on an air mattress. It could have been any one of us. It just wasn't my time --- it was my friend's time, however. @ 20 yards was all the difference.
I still think about it every time I go into the ocean ....
*edit* not trying to be a kill-joy on this "thread" .. there' s just a learning opportunity herein. I hope you take it. Carry on ....