Dmitriy, has it been mentioned that ... even if Mom is only slightly computer savvy (like ol' BzB), she could sign on AW as a member. Then at first, browse the Parent's and/or Spouse's Corners, and read/ask questions in those, and other forums. It could possibly put her in touch with parents or mates who have experienced similar problems, and possibly found solutions, and may be willing to share them.....putting her in touch with the lieutenant who interviewed me would be more productive. He did leave me his contact information and told me to contact him with questions and concerns.

I recall there was an AW forum several years ago, where rough motivational statements were posted for proofreading & improvement recommendations. Many applicants asked for advice on solving parental & fiancee disapproval of military service/careers. There were many responses of somewhat varying opinions. I also recall that the majority of responders felt that the applicants were supposedly mature adults, and "the cord has to be cut" at some point, lest you spend the rest of your life lamenting what might have been!

Tough love???