- Sorry, got to call BS on anyone that claims they got pushed to the "full check" area even before they got to the metal dectors. The same book with all their stupid rules says you must go through metal dector. You just aren't that special or dangerous.
-Not every postal worker carries a gun. In fact, very few do. Only Postal Inspectors carry guns. They have law enforcement authority no matter how silly that sounds. Their training lasts weeks and includes all the same firearms training as any federal law officer.
-Pilots can be armed (FFDO Program) as A4s said. There are still too many rules and restrictions, but the fact is, if a pilot applies, and goes to the training ( one week no pay, airline or otherwise), he will have a gun in the cockpit. I don't believe terrorists knowing there is a gun in the cockpit is a security threat. The bad guys can get weapons other ways to begin with. Terrorists want soft targets. If they knew they had to deal with a gun, from an Air Marshall or pilot, they would go somewhere else. Any person that takes a weapon from armed authority has a homicidal mind set. They will kill sooner or later. There is no other reason to take a weapon from someone.
-Nail clippers and a few of the more ridiculous restricted items have been allowed since Director Stone took over months ago.
Lets face it, there are thousands of TSA screeners and many are not as sharp as the nail clipper they may want to take from you. As an organization TSA has come a long way but still has alot of work to do. Personally, I'd rather have private screening with close government scrutiny, required training and standards. Not unlike the FAA handles the airlines. I get just as frustrated as anyone else when I encounter the TSA. But, in most cases those guys are following stupid orders. Give them a break. You will follow stupid orders your entire career. Consider this. If you make a mistake and crash an aircraft in the Navy you will probably not kill more than a dozen people. And on top of that, unless you were totally irresponsible and purposely disregarded procedure, you would not only keep your commission (get another job in the Navy) but keep your wings!! If a screener lets a terrorist on board an aircraft with a weapon he will be partly responsible for the deaths of hundreds or thousands and WILL lose his job and his mistake as well as his face and name will likely be all over the news.
If you have a problem with TSA screener, or the process, wait until you are through security and then ask politely and calmly to speak with a supervisor. My experience is that they are happy to tell you what the rules are and why thy do certain things. I imagine they aren't supposed to tell the public some stuff, but I have learned plenty simply by asking the right guy. It will also lower your blood pressure too.