Prologue: I don’t normally do this, but I thought it worth a look by all of you on the “outside” of the airline industry lookin’ in ….. It was in the “Mailbag” section of the current ALPA magazine and was written by the wife of a murdered pilot -- killed in the line of duty. It is reproduced hopefully for your edification ….. A4sForever
Two Pilots:
Near the top of a green, grassy hill in a cemetery in San Jose, Calif., lie the remains of two airline pilots, buried next to each other. They never knew each other, and yet their stories are similar, although 40 years apart.
They both died doing their jobs, while their airlines and the government argued over who should pay the cost of cockpit security. Instead of splitting the cost and doing a good job of cockpit ensuring security/airline safety at the price of perhaps several million dollars each, now, 40 years later, the airlines, government, and the public are spending many, many millions, as well as having lost many, many lives on Sept. 11, 2001.
On May 7, 1964, my husband, Ray Andress, a copilot with Pacific Airlines, and his captain were murdered in their cockpit while their airplane was on approach to San Francisco International Airport. One of the passengers had boarded the airport in Reno, Nev., with a gun. Airports had no metal detectors at that time. A law was on the books for cockpit doors to be shut and locked, but the law was not mandatory until November of that year. Therefore, the passenger easily entered the cockpit and shot both pilots, and the airplane crashed in the nearby foothills, killing the three crewmembers and 41 passengers.
In the years following, ALPA worked hard to get more cockpit security, talking with members of Congress and other government officials about the problems. Airports eventually got the metal detectors. But while the detectors were a good start, no one was willing to spend the extra dollars as technology advanced to upgrade the system and expand it.
As a result, 9/11 happened….
I recently discovered that Jason Dahl, the captain of United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in the fields of Pennsylvania on 9/11, is lying in a grave at Oakhill Cemetery in San Jose, next to my husband’s grave—40 years apart—and both murdered the same way for the same reasons—no one want to spend the money to make it right!!!
The 1964 crash happened because a man heavily in debt wanted to end his life and chose an airliner to do the job for him. The men who ended Jason’s life were equally crazy but far more destructive and with an agenda that threatens us still today.
We contacted Jason’s widow and a couple of his friends to discuss this uncanny coincidence, and we lovingly remember the two men we knew, from two different generations but gone now for the same reasons.
I’ve been beating this drum for nearly 41 years. The stakes keep getting higher! And while we wait to see what happens next, we continue to remember Jason and Ray and the many others gone but not forgotten.
Martha Andress, Roseville, Calif.