Needles in haystacks is right. You're right that I don't know a whole lot about the TSA. All I know is that they have extra-Constitutional authority to be unnecessarily invasive, treat every American citizen as criminals, and have no power whatsoever over people like Richard Reid the shoe bomber that flew in from the UK or Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab the Nigerian underwear bomber that flew in from Amsterdam. All I know is that metal detectors and bomb sniffing dogs would catch essentially all passenger-based (and non-cargo) threats, yet somehow we are forced to undergo the ineffective "porno" body scanners and/or invasive "junk dunk" pat-downs to prove that we are innocent enough to board a plane.No, I do not.
IF I was runnin' the show ... it would go down differently.
Right now, we're lookin' for needles in haystacks ... and being 'lucky' is not a defensive strategy ...
I've got a fitted's that foil helmet fit? does it chafe?
Actually your remark is pretty idiotic. If you don't feel that the terrorists have long ago won the war, then that's one thing--but if you can't even understand what direction we're heading in then you have to be deluding yourself.