I live in a rural area where there's a lot of open farmland. I have always been very tempted to make some type of UFO-shaped, flying saucer drone (complete with lights) and fly it at night. Probably would be illegal though.
It seems he may have just watched The Sum of All FearsSo all of this is the plot of a Tom Clancy book?
Has General Public ever really been intellectual though?The country does seem to have caught UFO hysteria again, doesn't it? I'd have thought we were decades beyond this, but I admit it seems right in line with our reckless national abandonment of intellect and expertise.
OTOH, It's probably just flouride in the water, or mind control from all the vaccines. What do I win?
Brett, I’ve adapted this into a haiku (which you almost did on your own):This guy doesn’t know shit about fuck. Come on Chuck. Is there anyone that goes on Rogan’s show that you don’t want to eagerly fellate?
This reminds me of the Spy Balloon fiasco, especially the part when NORAD said that they typically didn't detect many HA balloons because their MTI filters weren't set that low. When they opened them up, they discovered there were actually a whole lot of them flying around and had been for a while. Mostly harmless, science projects or home-brew hobby things, a few nefarious, but only became news because somebody noticed them. I strongly suspect that, once the freakout stops and people who actually know what the fuck they're talking about get a chance to speak, this will prove to be a case of more/improved drone detection systems seeing what was already there. Mostly Cletus and the DJI he bought off Amazon, some are taxpayers who just didn't bother actually reading the rules and getting their Part 107, a (probably very) few genuine foreign intel activities. Of course, that's not nearly as sexy as all these dumbshit conspiracy theories, so we'll collectively move on to the next thing pretty quick.
Maybe we should ask DangerBoy?What's a more lucrative gig when retiring from military aviation, the airlines or becoming a UFO influencer?
There's something musical about having two "uck" words in that second line.Brett, I’ve adapted this into a haiku (which you almost did on your own):
This guy doesn’t know
S*** about f***—come on, Chuck
Why blow Rogan bros?
Maya Angelou's slowly decomposing corpse just cracked a brittle smile.There's something musical about having two "uck" words in that second line.
What's a more lucrative gig when retiring from military aviation, the airlines or becoming a UFO influencer?